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Epsilon (he/him)
Community Member
Hey, y'all! My name is Epsilon. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Hmm... let's see. If you are reading this, it's because you want to know more about me, but there isn't much to know, really. I'm a high school student who enjoys JROTC, video games, and writing. I collect Pokemon cards and am a generally nerdy person. Not really anything mind blowing, huh? Well, let me think for a moment... uh... I guess I'm kinda funny sometimes? I honestly don't know what else to put...
Since I'm at a loss, feel free to ask me any questions that haven't been answered! Adios!
CREDITS - My profile picture is courtesy of Parasite3488 (my boyfriend!)(previously Kenzo6354) on Xbox. Thanks, darling!