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Raccoon panda
Community Member

2 posts
2.4K points
I ask good questions.

Raccoon panda • commented on 21 posts 2 years ago
Show All 21 Comments

Raccoon panda • upvoted 18 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Are Some Common Tropes/Cliches You Hate??
Pretty much anything racist, sexist, ageist, disabilityphobic, or neurophobic. I’m especially angry with the depiction of autistics as “lacking the spark” and other characters getting no consequences or even are encouraged to treat us poorly. Do you know how many times people have slung the R word at me? That’s because media teaches neurotypical supremacy. That I have a human body, but not a human soul, and thus do not deserve dignity. I’ve been treated like a freak, a defect, a monster, a husk, a pet, a reject, an outcast, an extension of others, a supporting character, a scapegoat, an idiot, a childish person, an angel, a devil, a problem, a pathology, a puzzle, a p**n, a cripple, easy prey, and even my mother somewhat saw me as personal property, because of these tropes. I have a measured IQ of 163 and a lot more psychological self awareness and maturity than most people at my age. I analyze rotten people and intimidate them by showing I understand the lies they tell themselves, and their REAL subconscious beliefs. I see through people like ghosts. It shakes up their feelings of superiority. Dear Neurophobes, please don’t fall for the belief that because you are “normal” and “superior” you know what’s best for me better than me. Or that you are oh so smart that nobody has the knowledge and experience to quickly know your game and play their hand. BRA-VO! You are so smart, aren’t you? I am not someone’s narcissistic supply. I’d rather be authentically loved, but I often have to settle for the fun of making someone’s hair stand on its edge when prideful people p*** me off. Bitter pill to swallow, isn’t it? You are the gambler, and I applaud your manipulative a*s; you are great at it. Always scheming to get what you want; you make it very exhilarating to play. I feel alive! But the casino doesn’t gamble, or even place a bet on anything, or even try to manipulate it’s chances, to win more often than you. It simply owns the table you’re playing at. GOOD GAME!!! And as for non-supremist people, please, keep being good people. Keep being allies to each other. Good people take the edge off my cynicism when it gets to be too much. They remind me to refrain from a wicked cause.Show All 18 Upvotes

Raccoon panda • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

Raccoon panda • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago

Raccoon panda • submitted 7 list additions 2 years ago

Raccoon panda • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago

Raccoon panda • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Are Some Common Tropes/Cliches You Hate??
Pretty much anything racist, sexist, ageist, disabilityphobic, or neurophobic. I’m especially angry with the depiction of autistics as “lacking the spark” and other characters getting no consequences or even are encouraged to treat us poorly. Do you know how many times people have slung the R word at me? That’s because media teaches neurotypical supremacy. That I have a human body, but not a human soul, and thus do not deserve dignity. I’ve been treated like a freak, a defect, a monster, a husk, a pet, a reject, an outcast, an extension of others, a supporting character, a scapegoat, an idiot, a childish person, an angel, a devil, a problem, a pathology, a puzzle, a p**n, a cripple, easy prey, and even my mother somewhat saw me as personal property, because of these tropes. I have a measured IQ of 163 and a lot more psychological self awareness and maturity than most people at my age. I analyze rotten people and intimidate them by showing I understand the lies they tell themselves, and their REAL subconscious beliefs. I see through people like ghosts. It shakes up their feelings of superiority. Dear Neurophobes, please don’t fall for the belief that because you are “normal” and “superior” you know what’s best for me better than me. Or that you are oh so smart that nobody has the knowledge and experience to quickly know your game and play their hand. BRA-VO! You are so smart, aren’t you? I am not someone’s narcissistic supply. I’d rather be authentically loved, but I often have to settle for the fun of making someone’s hair stand on its edge when prideful people p*** me off. Bitter pill to swallow, isn’t it? You are the gambler, and I applaud your manipulative a*s; you are great at it. Always scheming to get what you want; you make it very exhilarating to play. I feel alive! But the casino doesn’t gamble, or even place a bet on anything, or even try to manipulate it’s chances, to win more often than you. It simply owns the table you’re playing at. GOOD GAME!!! And as for non-supremist people, please, keep being good people. Keep being allies to each other. Good people take the edge off my cynicism when it gets to be too much. They remind me to refrain from a wicked cause.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Raccoon panda • 11 followers