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Existence but what does it matter I exist on the best terms I can, the past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand.
4greatscience reply
That many of us don't want to hurt women or make them uncomfortable.
I spend so much mental effort and time monitoring myself so I don't make the women around me uncomfortable. I understand why women feel like this - it only takes 1 s****y man to change someone's life forever. So I get you have to be vigilant.
I know I'm not dangerous. But I also know women have to operate under the assumption I could be dangerous for their own safety.
I get it. I just want you to feel safe.
Vegetable-Mall-2329 reply
The reason why so many men don't show emotion is because at one point in our lives, we opened up, and it was used against us to some degree. It's happened to almost every man at some point. We choose to be distant so we don't get hurt again.
PCoda reply
Nothing. Sometimes the best people are good people not because their parents raised them that way, but because they used their parents as an example of how NOT to act.
ArmariumEspata reply
Trust me, men do NOT like it when women (like those your husband is friends with) play “hard to get.” It’s degrading, dehumanizing, and makes us feel like creeps. Women who act this way are really not worth our time and effort, anyway.Splaaaty reply
How often women ghost. I don't much care about getting rejected, sure it sucks but it's an expectation we have going into dating, it's going to happen quite a lot. But for the love of god, reject me in any way except for ghosting. At least if I get blocked, or insulted, or politely put down, I know the other person's intentions and can move on with my life. If I'm ghosted out of the blue, I have no way of knowing if the other person has moved on, or is just too busy to contact me, or is playing hard to get. I'd take getting directly rejected 100 times over the ambiguity of getting ghosted by someone I was interested in. Edit: obviously ghosting is acceptable if the other person doesn't take no for an answer or otherwise makes you uncomfortable.Vegetable-Mall-2329 reply
The reason why so many men don't show emotion is because at one point in our lives, we opened up, and it was used against us to some degree. It's happened to almost every man at some point. We choose to be distant so we don't get hurt again.
4greatscience reply
That many of us don't want to hurt women or make them uncomfortable.
I spend so much mental effort and time monitoring myself so I don't make the women around me uncomfortable. I understand why women feel like this - it only takes 1 s****y man to change someone's life forever. So I get you have to be vigilant.
I know I'm not dangerous. But I also know women have to operate under the assumption I could be dangerous for their own safety.
I get it. I just want you to feel safe.
PCoda reply
Nothing. Sometimes the best people are good people not because their parents raised them that way, but because they used their parents as an example of how NOT to act.