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Pickle (they/he)
Community Member
-ENTP (I got ENTJ and ENFP before so.....?)
- likes: birds, Twisted Wonderland, horror movies, spooky season in general, Will Wood's music
- dislikes: bigots, butterflies (idk how it happened!)
remember: reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold byeeeee!
It Happens Earlier Every Year. It's September, They Have Already Started Taking Down The Halloween Modules
Sticky_Cheetos reply
I dress in ball gown I found at goodwill and drink tall boys while doing puzzles and listening to murder podcasts. Every girl deserves to go to a ball.
Fluffy_Flufflebug reply
I paint my house to suit ME! Bright orange laundry room - yes! Sunny yellow kitchen - please! Purple dressing room etc etc. after literal years of being mindful of “resale value” I bought a really old home and just paint colors that make me happy 100%. Life is just too short for “resale value” in my opinion. Also? Looking into adult dog bed - omg can I fill it with my Squishmallow friends??