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Kelly Kilbride
Community Member

3 posts
30 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Kelly Kilbride • upvoted 3 items 8 months ago

streamstroller reply
Had a boss who repeatedly stripped my name off reports and emails I'd written, then submitted them as her own to our VP. I started bcc'ing the VP, with whom I had a good relationship. He called her into his office to ask her questions about the work and to compliment 'her' efforts. She claimed all the credit and lied to his face. He called her on it. She was fired the next day.
streamstroller reply
Had a boss who repeatedly stripped my name off reports and emails I'd written, then submitted them as her own to our VP. I started bcc'ing the VP, with whom I had a good relationship. He called her into his office to ask her questions about the work and to compliment 'her' efforts. She claimed all the credit and lied to his face. He called her on it. She was fired the next day.Show All 3 Upvotes

Kelly Kilbride • upvoted 6 items 11 months ago
Show All 6 Upvotes

Kelly Kilbride • upvoted 30 items 1 year ago

'You are just stressed and also overweight. Get fit and go on some nice dates; you're a young woman!' I had gone to this doctor with hair loss, fingernails breaking, joint pain, brain fog, and sudden unexplainable weight gain. It was my thyroid, which needed one single blood test to diagnose. Fun plot twist: I only got the blood test after starving myself for months to get rid of the excess weight. The late diagnosis is causing issues up to today
'You are just stressed and also overweight. Get fit and go on some nice dates; you're a young woman!' I had gone to this doctor with hair loss, fingernails breaking, joint pain, brain fog, and sudden unexplainable weight gain. It was my thyroid, which needed one single blood test to diagnose. Fun plot twist: I only got the blood test after starving myself for months to get rid of the excess weight. The late diagnosis is causing issues up to today
When I had my breast reduction due to back pain, the doctor specifically looked at my husband and asked him, 'What size does he want them?' My husband is a very smart man and told him whatever size would make my pain stop
KnockMeYourLobes reply
"You're a mom now. Suck it up, buttercup."--said to me by an OB/GYN when I complained of extreme exhaustion and feeling cold all the time after the birth of my son. I was working 40+ hrs a week and my husband was working 60+ hrs, so when I was home, I got stuck with not only taking care of our son but also the majority of the housework, etc. I was so exhausted I couldn't function without a dozen or more cups of coffee a day and no matter what I did, no matter how much I bundled up, I was freezing cold all the time unless I was outside in direct sunlight or under a stream of hot water in the shower. Took me five damn years to figure out that no, feeling that exhausted all the time wasn't normal and that the reason I felt that way and was so damn cold all the time was my thyroid had basically said "Yo, I'm out of here. Peace out, b**ches!". Once I got on medication, I was more or less fine.
bubbles2255 reply
My son started passing out one time. We took him to the ER via ambulance. Turns out, we think he was choking on a cookie his aunt gave him. Doctor wanted us to visit a specialist just to make sure his brain was OK, since he was shaking a lot during the episode. We went to the specialist and he was 90 min late. He came in, was a d**k, and signed off that our son was all good. When we were leaving, his assistant apologized for the waiting and the doc snapped “DONT APOLOGIZE TO THEM, I’m the doctor, they should wait for me and be happy that I showed up.” I kindly told the doc “f**k off” and went about my business, since I knew I’d never see him again. Be kind to your patients, doc!
sarahsuebob reply
My best friend went from an A cup to DDD bra in about a year and was having back problems. She went in for a consult for breast reduction and the (female) doctor said she wouldn’t even consider doing surgery on someone that young (19 at the time) because any decision about her breasts needed to include her future husband (she wasn’t even dating anyone at the time).
khurd18 reply
Psychiatrist told me it was all in my head No f*****g s**t its in my head, that's why I'm seeing you!
19Thanatos83 reply
When I was working with mentally and physically disabled children we had this really sweet girl. She was around 10 years old, had down syndrome, was really heavy mentally disabled but one of the happiest human beeings I have ever met. She became really sick (dont know what it was) and was delivered to a hospital. When I visited her she lost a lot of weight and I asked the Doctor why she gets no artificial feeding. He answered a "normal" Person would get fed but she isnt for "Natural Selection". I was shocked and told the girls mother. She was just sad because it wasnt the first time something like this happened.
Pengii reply
"I'm not hurting you." The dentist had actually been hurting me for about 10 minutes before I started making noise. She perforated an intact tooth.
reptrept reply
When I was 15 my mom took me to the gynecologist. He told me to get on the scale to check my weight. He then looked me up and down and said 'You're underweight, but better stay like that. You're very attractive, it suits you'. At the time I was dealing with an ED and starving myself.
Unyielding_Cactus reply
Back when I was delivering pizzas in a fairly nice area, some kid put six rounds of .380 auto in my chest to steal my camero. Later found out this kid had a full ride at UF, straight A student, from a very wealthy family. Just started rolling with a bad crowd I guess. Got caught when he brought the car home, and the next morning it went out on the news. His own dad turned him in. Aside from some wicked scars, I made a full recovery.
LordBrandon reply
There's a video of a guy who goes to slash the tires on a bus. Bus tires hold a hell of a lot more energy than car tires so instead of a hiss when he stabs the tire, his arm gets blown off and his body is thrown to the ground.
_Halboro_ reply
This is from someone who wrote into an advice column but it has stuck with me lo these many years. The guy wrote about how he had begged his wife to swing with the couple next door. She was **deadset against it but he pestered her about it for a couple of years** and she finally, **reluctantly**, agreed. When the time came, the guy was very disappointed to find the neighbor’s wife was not as “tight” as he had anticipated. Meanwhile his neighbor was giving his wife what looked to be an out of body experience. It made him EXTREMELY angry and resentful of his wife for enjoying it so much. I think he said something like “I can’t even look at her without wanting to punch her in the face.” The columnist told him off and advised him to file for divorce. The guy wrote an update stating a few months after the “swinging” occurred, the neighbors divorced and his wife left him for the guy next door. They married soon after. He felt blindsided and betrayed.
cstrand31 reply
Having a 24hour news agency tell them how much they should be outraged about everything makes for bad company. MAGA brain rot is something that will be studied for a while assuming we don’t go all Fury Road in the next couple years.
Conlaeb reply
I tried to break up a dog fight. Was holding my dog, on leash, when an unleashed dog ran in and began attacking him. I went for the dog's scruff to try to pin him to the ground (while also trying to hold my dog back with the other hand). The attacking dog bit my hand three times quickly, the third time he punctured my thumb bones and got a real good grip. Proceeded to try to rip my thumb off. All I remember thinking is, "That's my primary hand, even if I let go of Fitzy (my dog) with the other hand, you are NOT going to be able to pry this thing's mouth open." This was all of course happening in the span of 5-10 seconds. Out of nowhere my then girlfriend swooped in like f*****g Batman from behind the dog, sunk her fingers into its' scruff, and her knee into the back of its' neck, ripping it off me. Anyway I ended up proposing to her after that and the settlement paid for a big chunk of our wedding. In retrospect I'm damn glad this thing went after me, it was a 4th of July party and there were little kids everywhere. What makes me angriest about this whole thing is the way it impacted my dog. He was very social and friendly with other animals before this, but it has been ten years and he won't give any other pup a chance now. He has lived a life lacking what he deserves due to those poor dog owners.
FartAttack911 reply
After years of my parents forcing me to paint my nails on the linoleum floor of the bathroom with a towel under me, I got my own apartment and was like HAH, NO DUMB RULES HERE. And that’s how I lost my first down deposit.
A_Mild_Failure reply
If someone will cheat to be with you, then they will also cheat on you to be with someone else.
Telwardamus reply
When the infected tooth is on a Saturday, and the dentist opens on Monday, and you're at urgent care on Sunday asking for painkillers because holy s**t it hurts, and they offer you antibiotics, say yes. I said no, and wound up with IV antibiotics three days later.
SpaceCadetriment reply
I was a teenager working retail with a guy named Stephen and I always just called him Steve. He pulled me aside one day and asked me politely if I could call him Stephen since he preferred that. My smart a*s replied “Well I want to be called Gladiator but you don’t see me complaining.” He just said “deal” and walked away. For the next two years he only referred to me as Gladiator. Need help finding something? Gladiator here would be happy to help you. He would get on the intercom and be like “Gladiator to the front desk…Gladiator, front desk.” Learned not to be a smart a*s and never called him Steve again.
DrGrizzley reply
When i was a kid I was short and fat and I got picked on mercilessly. Then one summer I went and worked in the Alaska Bush and grew to 6'3" and got pretty ripped. I also got taught some very basic moves from some of the surveyors I was working with. Came back to high school and got into it with every person who bullied me. I won and learned all the wrong lessons. New kid started at my school and I was the a*****e this time. He was always polite, walked away, and generally asked me to stop but I didn't. Finally he told me that he'd meet me on a Saturday and we could have it out. We showed up, he asked one more time for me to just stop. That's the point that I should have realized I'd done f****d up. I went after him and he took me apart. It was the proverbial "He hit me with so many rights I was desperate for a left." But when he had me down he stopped, helped me sit up, and then sat down to talk to me. He gave me advice on how I was acting, how i was just doing the same thing that had been done to me, and that I'd never be happy if I went down that path. Then he helped me clean up and sent me home. That conversation made such an impact on me it 100% changed me overnight and I owe it to him. I absolutely f****d around and found out, but in the best way possible.
Kunikunatu reply
About six years old. Having a picnic with my dad by the lake. Some ducks wander up near us. Dad says, “You know, ducks will bite you.” “That’s silly, they don’t even have teeth.” “Stick your finger out and see for yourself.” Got bit. Cried.
New management started taking from my commissions and kept trying to worm out of our agreed contract and pay. Final straw was when they were taking from the tip jar claiming tips weren't for employees, just the boss
haylibee reply
After 18 years in retail, I took a vacation to the beach. It had been an ungodly tough year of death (becoming a widow), trouble with my children, money problems, and a boss with an otherworldly hatred of me suddenly having much more things taking up my time. They were completely unwilling to be flexible with these new constraints on my time, so I finally just wrote a schedule and took a whopping 3 days to myself. I finally felt relaxed and realized I felt so good to be so far away. The day I was supposed to pack and head home, I extended mine and my kiddos’ stays and just never went back. They called like crazy, texted, tried to get ahold of me but I didn’t care. I stayed gone and it was like a weight was lifted. I still have nightmares about that place, but at least I wake up knowing I never have to go there again.
lizerpetty reply
Dillards. They told me to clock out and work all night because regional was coming to inspect the store. So they wanted me to work for 8 hours moving around heavy stuff for free. Quit on the spot. Told me I wasn't a "team player". I asked the manager if he would pay me for not working. He said no. I asked him why would I work without getting paid, blank stare.
h1r0ll3r reply
Old sales job I had. Landed/closed a big deal with a nice commission check heading my way. Found out a week or so later that the client wasn't *mine*, therefore, the check would be going to the correct sales rep. The "correct" sales rep just happened to be related to the boss and so they got a free commission check without ever lifting a finger. Left that day.
Vegetable-Fan-739 reply
I really want to share mine. Probably a blessing in my life. Its not a lifetime supply. My gf and I had an unexpected child. Im poor she is young but she is young(not that young). We are not getting any support from anybody because we upset our fsmily. We are really strugling like miss a meal struggling, because of how expensive having a kid is. Out of desperation i joined a raffle/contest on a local grocery store and I won they made me choose one product on the store and there is a time limit for me to think. Without thinking though i just shouted diaper. It was not the brightest moment of my life. But they gave me a 3 year worth of coupon of diaper supply. I can only remember i was crying ugly when they handed the coupon because it was just a relief that at least i wont have to worry one thing about my baby needs. When i told this to my wife she said she is happy i choose the diaper because the other winners was not satisfied with what they got. She said she computed mine compared to other winners and I got a decent prize. Its not much compare to other posts in here but i just can't forget that.
ScaryAlternative reply
I won a lifetime supply of Charmin toilet paper. It began with a phone call to Proctor and Gamble years ago. I was working in California and ran across Charmin infused with baby oil. Best stuff ever! I still dream about it. When I returned to my home in Texas I couldn't find it in my local stores, so I got the number to P&G off one of the available packages in my HEB. This was pre-internet. The customer explained that the baby oil paper was offered in limited locations as a test market situation, and would not be available in the future. She said that she would send me a few coupons for my interest in their product, so I gave her my address. They arrived a couple of weeks later. About a month later, I received a big box from P&G that had 3 packages of 4 rolls each, simple marked A,B,and C. A letter that accompanied the big box that stated that since I apparently was passionate about toilet paper, I might be interested in being a consumer toilet paper tester...Stay with me here. The letter said that I should only use the package marked A for a week, another week for package B, and the third week for C. Afterwards, I would receive a phone call from them to rate the different types. I did as I was instructed, and about a month later here comes the phone call. Strangest. phone .call. ever. Questions like "name three adjectives for how the different toilet papers made you feel". "Have you ever suffered from hemorrhoids? Just wild questions over about a 15 min. [call. At](https://call.At) the end of the call, she told me to expect some more coupons. Fine. A couple of weeks later, I received in the mail a manilla envelope from P&G that also contained a letter that thanked me for my participation in their study, and I would be the recipient of Charmin for life. It came with about 25 coupons for free products, and a number to call when I was close to running out. This was around 1985 when it all went down. I've been receiving coupons for free Charmin ever since.Show All 30 Upvotes

Kelly Kilbride • submitted 3 new posts 8 years ago
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Kelly Kilbride • commented on a post 9 years ago

Kelly Kilbride • upvoted 3 items 8 months ago

streamstroller reply
Had a boss who repeatedly stripped my name off reports and emails I'd written, then submitted them as her own to our VP. I started bcc'ing the VP, with whom I had a good relationship. He called her into his office to ask her questions about the work and to compliment 'her' efforts. She claimed all the credit and lied to his face. He called her on it. She was fired the next day.
Kelly Kilbride • upvoted 6 items 9 months ago

Kelly Kilbride • upvoted 10 items 1 year ago

'You are just stressed and also overweight. Get fit and go on some nice dates; you're a young woman!' I had gone to this doctor with hair loss, fingernails breaking, joint pain, brain fog, and sudden unexplainable weight gain. It was my thyroid, which needed one single blood test to diagnose. Fun plot twist: I only got the blood test after starving myself for months to get rid of the excess weight. The late diagnosis is causing issues up to today
KnockMeYourLobes reply
"You're a mom now. Suck it up, buttercup."--said to me by an OB/GYN when I complained of extreme exhaustion and feeling cold all the time after the birth of my son. I was working 40+ hrs a week and my husband was working 60+ hrs, so when I was home, I got stuck with not only taking care of our son but also the majority of the housework, etc. I was so exhausted I couldn't function without a dozen or more cups of coffee a day and no matter what I did, no matter how much I bundled up, I was freezing cold all the time unless I was outside in direct sunlight or under a stream of hot water in the shower. Took me five damn years to figure out that no, feeling that exhausted all the time wasn't normal and that the reason I felt that way and was so damn cold all the time was my thyroid had basically said "Yo, I'm out of here. Peace out, b**ches!". Once I got on medication, I was more or less fine.
19Thanatos83 reply
When I was working with mentally and physically disabled children we had this really sweet girl. She was around 10 years old, had down syndrome, was really heavy mentally disabled but one of the happiest human beeings I have ever met. She became really sick (dont know what it was) and was delivered to a hospital. When I visited her she lost a lot of weight and I asked the Doctor why she gets no artificial feeding. He answered a "normal" Person would get fed but she isnt for "Natural Selection". I was shocked and told the girls mother. She was just sad because it wasnt the first time something like this happened.
Pengii reply
"I'm not hurting you." The dentist had actually been hurting me for about 10 minutes before I started making noise. She perforated an intact tooth.
bubbles2255 reply
My son started passing out one time. We took him to the ER via ambulance. Turns out, we think he was choking on a cookie his aunt gave him. Doctor wanted us to visit a specialist just to make sure his brain was OK, since he was shaking a lot during the episode. We went to the specialist and he was 90 min late. He came in, was a d**k, and signed off that our son was all good. When we were leaving, his assistant apologized for the waiting and the doc snapped “DONT APOLOGIZE TO THEM, I’m the doctor, they should wait for me and be happy that I showed up.” I kindly told the doc “f**k off” and went about my business, since I knew I’d never see him again. Be kind to your patients, doc!
When I had my breast reduction due to back pain, the doctor specifically looked at my husband and asked him, 'What size does he want them?' My husband is a very smart man and told him whatever size would make my pain stop
reptrept reply
When I was 15 my mom took me to the gynecologist. He told me to get on the scale to check my weight. He then looked me up and down and said 'You're underweight, but better stay like that. You're very attractive, it suits you'. At the time I was dealing with an ED and starving myself.
sarahsuebob reply
My best friend went from an A cup to DDD bra in about a year and was having back problems. She went in for a consult for breast reduction and the (female) doctor said she wouldn’t even consider doing surgery on someone that young (19 at the time) because any decision about her breasts needed to include her future husband (she wasn’t even dating anyone at the time).
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