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2 posts
84 points
I've been surfing the boredpandaverse for a bit, most of it without an account. Just recently got this and made a few posts check me out.

adrien • commented on 3 posts 10 months ago
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adrien • upvoted 7 items 10 months ago

Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
Lately, upvotes are not added up anymore at Bored Panda. Weird.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
If chemists in 1928 had decided to make bromofluorocarbons instead of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) it would have been 46 times more effective at destroying the ozone. The giant b word was just slightly more expensive so we lucked out with not being completely blind, cancer ridden, dead and so on.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
Lately, upvotes are not added up anymore at Bored Panda. Weird.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
If chemists in 1928 had decided to make bromofluorocarbons instead of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) it would have been 46 times more effective at destroying the ozone. The giant b word was just slightly more expensive so we lucked out with not being completely blind, cancer ridden, dead and so on.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
Every mammal over 3 lbs takes 20 to 21 seconds to void their bladder. Even the Elephant.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
The male possum has a bifurcated penis. The female possum has two vaginas.Show All 7 Upvotes

adrien • submitted a new post 10 months ago

adrien • submitted 4 list additions 11 months ago

adrien • upvoted 11 items 11 months ago

Hey Pandas, During A Date, Is Splitting The Bill Fair Or Outdated?
I would say depending on the size of the bill ($80 and over) if it is large then split it, if it is small ($79.99 and under) have one person cover it, then the next time a small bill comes up the other person will cover it. I follow this rule and it seems to have worked seeing as Im on my 5th date with my SO.
Hey Pandas, During A Date, Is Splitting The Bill Fair Or Outdated?
I would say depending on the size of the bill ($80 and over) if it is large then split it, if it is small ($79.99 and under) have one person cover it, then the next time a small bill comes up the other person will cover it. I follow this rule and it seems to have worked seeing as Im on my 5th date with my SO.
Hey Pandas, What Was The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Heard?
the rumours about me and my friends at school
Hey Pandas, What Was The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Heard?
-well you see, couples dont usually sleep like that. he would probably crush his ribs before that,and flirt with his wife, so yes, that ship would not work. -OMGGG I BET HE BOUGHT A KOKUSHIBO BODY PILLOW OFF AMAZON! -why does that vase fish make me think of shiny catsuits, and drag queens??
Hey Pandas, Write A Funny Poem
A wonderful bird is the pelican, His bill holds more than his belican. He can take in his beak, Enough food for a week, But I’m damned if I see how the helican.
These People Experienced The Worst Luck Imaginable And Had No Choice But To Take A Pic (50 New Pics)
Show All 11 Upvotes

adrien • submitted a new post 11 months ago

adrien • commented on 3 posts 11 months ago
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adrien • started following a person 11 months ago

adrien • upvoted 3 items 12 months ago
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adrien • upvoted an item 3 years ago

adrien • submitted a new post 10 months ago

adrien • submitted a new post 11 months ago

adrien • submitted 4 list additions 11 months ago

adrien • commented on 3 posts 10 months ago

adrien • commented on 3 posts 11 months ago

adrien • upvoted 11 items 10 months ago

Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
Lefthanded people are the largest minority on Earth.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
Lately, upvotes are not added up anymore at Bored Panda. Weird.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
If chemists in 1928 had decided to make bromofluorocarbons instead of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) it would have been 46 times more effective at destroying the ozone. The giant b word was just slightly more expensive so we lucked out with not being completely blind, cancer ridden, dead and so on.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
Every mammal over 3 lbs takes 20 to 21 seconds to void their bladder. Even the Elephant.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Fact You Know?
The male possum has a bifurcated penis. The female possum has two vaginas.
Hey Pandas, What Was The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Heard?
School hallway, no context, I just walked right by. “Bro I didn’t even choke her that hard” :I
Hey Pandas, What Was The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Heard?
the rumours about me and my friends at school
Hey Pandas, What Was The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Heard?
-well you see, couples dont usually sleep like that. he would probably crush his ribs before that,and flirt with his wife, so yes, that ship would not work. -OMGGG I BET HE BOUGHT A KOKUSHIBO BODY PILLOW OFF AMAZON! -why does that vase fish make me think of shiny catsuits, and drag queens??
Hey Pandas, During A Date, Is Splitting The Bill Fair Or Outdated?
I would say depending on the size of the bill ($80 and over) if it is large then split it, if it is small ($79.99 and under) have one person cover it, then the next time a small bill comes up the other person will cover it. I follow this rule and it seems to have worked seeing as Im on my 5th date with my SO.
adrien • upvoted 9 items 11 months ago

Hey Pandas, Write A Funny Poem
A wonderful bird is the pelican, His bill holds more than his belican. He can take in his beak, Enough food for a week, But I’m damned if I see how the helican.
Short Two Sentence Horror Stories
At the expense of the last of their ammunition, the lumbering beast collapsed. Too bad the hunting party couldn’t spare a moment while patting each other on the back to notice it’s mother had witnessed the whole display.
These People Experienced The Worst Luck Imaginable And Had No Choice But To Take A Pic (50 New Pics)

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