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I'm disabled and stay home most times. All my friends dropped me when I got sick except 1 and she died last year.
I'm very sarcastic and like good jokes. I love everyone and judge nobody!❤
Klopec • upvoted 40 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
When the hero has some super cool ability that they can use to just one shot their opponent and they don't use this all the time. Ultraseven has this one attack where he uses his head-slicey-boomerang thing and then powers it up with his telekinesis and it usually one-shots monsters. Unlike Ultraman, who has a finite amount of energy and cannot necessarily use one-shot attacks like the Ultra Attack Beam or Ultra Psychokinesis all the time because if it doesn't kill them then he could run out of energy, which would allow the monster to run free until he recovers, but Ultraseven can do this all the time since he has protectors over his color timer. Anyways thats just one example of this.Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
Any predictable character growth. But the main thing that will annoy me is no world building. The movie might be about specific people, but the world isn'tHey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
The 'adorkable' personality that all modern Disney princesses all seem to have.Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
SIDNEY (playing along) :Because they're all the same. It's always some stupid killer stalking some big ------- girl-who can't act-who always runs up the stairs when she should be going out the front door. They're ridiculous. the horror tropes get oldHey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
When a character picks up or puts on or takes control of a musical instrument/action sports gear/complex machine that takes YEARS of practice to master, let alone make function, and just...DOES it. Guitar? No, my finger movements don't actually match the chords! Snowboard? I've never used one before, but I will "accidentally" ride down this mountainside doing incredible tricks! This helicopter? Never flown in my life, but I will "manage" to pilot it expertly to save our character's lives! These actually cause me to feel embarrassed for the the actors.Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
When the villain casually begins an evil monologue and gives the hero the chance to kill them back at the end. Dude just finish the job, you can laugh at said hero when said hero is ded too.Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
I can't stand 99% of hallmark shows or movies because they are so predictable. The rich guy/ poor girl or other way around tries to get each other's attention but "they weren't made for each other!" Like, what? Or when the lead goes through this "depressive episode" and they have to learn to trust people again in order to fall in love with someone that literally goes and breaks their heart again, but this time they're "stronger." *cue dramatic lighting and music as the lead walks away and starts a new life*Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
Cop shows. The all stand there discussing the situation all taking turns to talk with absolutely no break in conversation.Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
Dumb side characters, or movies where ONLY the main character has any sense of what's happening. Bonus points if the female lead/love interest is completely inept. It's so annoying.Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
I hate when the antagonist throws the hero across the room at the end battle, instead of finishing the fight immediately. And how our protagonist cop/agent/spy ALWAYS has a kid and/or wife at home that he makes promises to that he has to break.Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
One hour of careful plan arranging and complex characters, then *whisper whisper* GUNFIRE; MUSIC *whisper* GUNFIRE *whis* MUSIC. 50 minute battle and then the credits roll.Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
I don't really know. It does annoy me in scary movies at the end when they do that thing where an eye just flips open. It's so irritating and predictable :/ So that and the "dumb blonde" trope. I have a blonde friend holy mother of hotdogs she's SO. DAMN. SMART, you guys. I admire her :)Hey Pandas, What's A Movie Trope You Hate
The manic pixie dream girl, especially if she has to "fix" the guyShow All 40 Upvotes
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