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4 posts
201 points
Hi! I am a HUGE bookworm and am part of the KOTLC and hunger games fandom💜💜💜I like reading and watching youtube (not at the same time) in my beanbag chair💙💙💙
Sparklezzz • upvoted 11 items 3 years ago
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Sparklezzz • commented on 23 posts 3 years ago
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Sparklezzz • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Sparklezzz • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Sparklezzz • submitted 4 new posts 3 years ago
Sparklezzz • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago
Sparklezzz • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Sparklezzz • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Was One Book That Made You Cry?
Keeper Of The Lost Cities, Neverseen (When They Let Silveny Free)Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
She was my roommate at the time. Long story short, she eventually killed my 3 months old kitty.Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been In A Toxic Friendship?
She would always make fun of me; calling me a simple person for not believing in God, apparantly I was also less because at that time I had never been in a ''third world country'' and overall she was almost never nice to me. Yet when she hit a rough patch in her life I was always there for her, meeting up at parking lots because she was too afraid to leave her car. I would listen to her for hours trying to be a good friend and comfort her. Even went to the hospital with her once to hold her hand because she was scared. Then one time we both went to a camp together which was a first for me so I was incredibly nervous which she knew. After telling her she scolded me for being the most negative person she knew and she was done with it, and the worst thing was that there was another girl in the car with us too. I started crying but she just didn't care. As soon as I arrived home I never spoke to her again. Fun fact is that we were also collegues but she resigned about 2 weeks after the incident. Sparklezzz • is following a person
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