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Andres Tejeda
Community Member
1 posts
15.5K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Andres Tejeda • upvoted an item 4 weeks ago
Andres Tejeda • upvoted 2 items 1 month ago
Andres Tejeda • upvoted 3 items 5 months ago
TheseStrategy5905 reply
Pitești Experiment in Romania overseen by the Soviet Union. Probably the worst thing that humans have ever done to other humans. Makes Unit 731 look like daycare. Communist Russia was probably the most evil human organization to ever exist. It was basically an experiment to prove souls dont exist. That any human, no matter how resilient, can be broken or "demasked" into an animal like slave. and they prove this by killing the human spirit with 24/7 torture, degradation, brainwashing and humiliation. besides the obvious brutal violence stuff like eating your own s**t, vomit, and forced to desecrate every sacred belief you ever held until you totally broke. and they did this to the most resilient anti communist student activists. and they all broke. then they forced them to be the torturers for their fellow comrades. with the threat that if any of the tortured admitted that they were the guard that shown them a shred of mercy or leniency, they would be sent back to the beginning of the program to experience it all again which most did several times. if these prisoners were given even the slightest chance they instantly tried to commit suicide. some even chewed through their wrists to get to their veins. which the communists solved for by knocking out all of their teeth One of the biggest mistakes the western world made was not make the crimes of the Soviet Union more known. Everyone should know this happened, that yes there was an organization of people much worse than even the Nazis.Show All 3 Upvotes
Andres Tejeda • upvoted 25 items 7 months ago
Mercury82jg reply
The one thing I would really miss is the cultural diversity in every large city. Any night of the week, I can go get great Mexican, Ethiopian, Cantonese, Sichuan, Japanese, Korean BBQ, Soul Food, Jamaican, Vietnamese, Thai, Memphis style BBQ, other latin countries, tiki bars, Filipino, Mediterranean... It really is nice to be a melting pot.Select-Belt-ou812 reply
From what I read, disabled folks' accessibility, like handicap parking, accessible bathrooms, ramps, etc. I've seen this relatively often. is this correct?Show All 25 Upvotes
Andres Tejeda • commented on 3 posts 7 months ago
Show All 3 Comments
Andres Tejeda • commented on a post 8 months ago
Andres Tejeda • upvoted 5 items 8 months ago
LibationontheSand reply
Instant ramen is one of the worlds great food inventions. I have recently rediscovered Maruchan Cup O Noodles shrimp flavor.Show All 5 Upvotes
Andres Tejeda • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Andres Tejeda • submitted a list addition 9 months ago
Andres Tejeda • submitted 4 list additions 10 months ago
Andres Tejeda • submitted 6 list additions 11 months ago
Andres Tejeda • submitted 9 list additions 1 year ago
Andres Tejeda • commented on 3 posts 7 months ago
Andres Tejeda • commented on a post 8 months ago
Andres Tejeda • commented on a post 9 months ago
Andres Tejeda • commented on 15 posts 10 months ago
Andres Tejeda • upvoted 3 items 4 weeks ago
Touch_Super reply
Zendaya. im so tired of seeing her everywhere. it’s not that she’s not talented but she certainly is overrated.
Andres Tejeda • upvoted 3 items 5 months ago
TheseStrategy5905 reply
Pitești Experiment in Romania overseen by the Soviet Union. Probably the worst thing that humans have ever done to other humans. Makes Unit 731 look like daycare. Communist Russia was probably the most evil human organization to ever exist. It was basically an experiment to prove souls dont exist. That any human, no matter how resilient, can be broken or "demasked" into an animal like slave. and they prove this by killing the human spirit with 24/7 torture, degradation, brainwashing and humiliation. besides the obvious brutal violence stuff like eating your own s**t, vomit, and forced to desecrate every sacred belief you ever held until you totally broke. and they did this to the most resilient anti communist student activists. and they all broke. then they forced them to be the torturers for their fellow comrades. with the threat that if any of the tortured admitted that they were the guard that shown them a shred of mercy or leniency, they would be sent back to the beginning of the program to experience it all again which most did several times. if these prisoners were given even the slightest chance they instantly tried to commit suicide. some even chewed through their wrists to get to their veins. which the communists solved for by knocking out all of their teeth One of the biggest mistakes the western world made was not make the crimes of the Soviet Union more known. Everyone should know this happened, that yes there was an organization of people much worse than even the Nazis. Andres Tejeda • upvoted 14 items 7 months ago
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