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Tara Raay
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Parent Won’t Make Son Change Hamster's Name Which SIL Wants For Her Child, She Absolutely “Blows Up”
Parent Won’t Make Son Change Hamster's Name Which SIL Wants For Her Child, She Absolutely “Blows Up”
Iron_Man_977 reply
A lot of people don't actually believe in whatever religious organization they belong to and use it to manipulate those that do and amass power for themselves. Church of scientology isn't the only example, but it's a good one. See also the fact that if everyone genuinely believed killing yourself for your religion would lead to eternal paradise, suicide bombings would be reserved for the highest ranking officials.
da_governator reply
I believe that if you separated the population of any country or city based on either religion, skin color, gender, age group, economical class, political affiliation or eye color, you would find the same percentage of a******s in each of those subgroups.Parent Won’t Make Son Change Hamster's Name Which SIL Wants For Her Child, She Absolutely “Blows Up”
Iron_Man_977 reply
A lot of people don't actually believe in whatever religious organization they belong to and use it to manipulate those that do and amass power for themselves. Church of scientology isn't the only example, but it's a good one. See also the fact that if everyone genuinely believed killing yourself for your religion would lead to eternal paradise, suicide bombings would be reserved for the highest ranking officials.