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araT sdrawkcaB
Community Member

Humor is my life support. I don’t “do” malicious intent. Humans suck, Humanity does not.

Reddit post
She called me a narcissist for not messaging or calling her back during my aunt's funeral.
Also when my aunt died, she had a meltdown because I might miss her birthday.
It’s like a switch turned off that could never be turned back on, and from that moment, I knew it was over.

darbanator reply
Kicked my dog. I saw red. I kicked him back and left with my dog. Dog and I are doing great 💜.

CraftyCookieCat reply
When we had juuusssttt started dating, my husband kept cancelling or rescheduling dates to "go visit his sick friend in the hospital". It turns out the friend was real, not a made-up excuse, and had emergency brain surgery to relieve fluid buildup and pressure. He didn't have somewhere he could recover with help available, so my husband put him up in his little condo. When the tests came back that it was terminal brain cancer, he let him stay rent-free so that his disability payments would be enough to enjoy life without stressing about finances or pressure to return to work too early, and there would be someone there to help him if needed.
When we had a brief period where we thought maybe he'd live longer and he went back to work full-time (the original tumor was actually seemingly defeated, but then a few months later two new ones formed) my husband asked him to pay a small rent... And was secretly keeping it in an account to give back to him to help get him started if/when he could move out.
My husband re-arranged his one bedroom condo to make a permanent space in the living room so his friend could stay there and the space was still usable. I was amazed by his kindness and it spoke volumes about what kind of person he was, and how he would handle difficult situations.
(For those that are wondering... We all became great friends and had fun hanging out in that condo together, but sadly our friend passed away after about 2 years... However, he didn't have to worry about money or care, and he was happy for the time he had left. He said he didn't have a "bucket list" and just wanted to enjoy life with his friends and family, and he got to do that while staying out of palliative care for as long as possible. I really wish he could have seen us get married, but we dressed up the cardboard box with our portion of his ashes in a little custom box-sized suit that matched my husband's, put googly eyes on it, and it sat at the head table between us.).

PersistantTeach reply
Said we need to buy a house big enough for my grandmother to live with us instead of her living in a retirement home. Then he found the house and remodeled the first floor to include a 1 bedroom apartment for her. She lived with us for 15 years and died at home with her family around her. Now my Dad lives with us in that apartment and it is the best thing ever. Hubby is a rock star.

HinSoCal reply
What hammered it into my head that I loved him - My now partner came over & carried my beloved 75 lb old collie up & down the stairs to my condo 2x a day to toilet for months, insisted on driving us to that awful appointment with the vet, stayed with me during euthanasia & actually was tearful, as an emotionally avoidant man & collected his ashes as he knew it would be horrendous for me, then spent weeks sitting on the floor getting my new rescue to not be afraid of him.. I am a very lucky woman ….believe me I know it!

[m/27,m/30] After 4 Years Of Hiding, In 2 Weeks I’m Escaping My Abusive Mom To Start My Life With Prince Charming. (I’m The One In White)

Reddit post
She called me a narcissist for not messaging or calling her back during my aunt's funeral.
Also when my aunt died, she had a meltdown because I might miss her birthday.
It’s like a switch turned off that could never be turned back on, and from that moment, I knew it was over.

CraftyCookieCat reply
When we had juuusssttt started dating, my husband kept cancelling or rescheduling dates to "go visit his sick friend in the hospital". It turns out the friend was real, not a made-up excuse, and had emergency brain surgery to relieve fluid buildup and pressure. He didn't have somewhere he could recover with help available, so my husband put him up in his little condo. When the tests came back that it was terminal brain cancer, he let him stay rent-free so that his disability payments would be enough to enjoy life without stressing about finances or pressure to return to work too early, and there would be someone there to help him if needed.
When we had a brief period where we thought maybe he'd live longer and he went back to work full-time (the original tumor was actually seemingly defeated, but then a few months later two new ones formed) my husband asked him to pay a small rent... And was secretly keeping it in an account to give back to him to help get him started if/when he could move out.
My husband re-arranged his one bedroom condo to make a permanent space in the living room so his friend could stay there and the space was still usable. I was amazed by his kindness and it spoke volumes about what kind of person he was, and how he would handle difficult situations.
(For those that are wondering... We all became great friends and had fun hanging out in that condo together, but sadly our friend passed away after about 2 years... However, he didn't have to worry about money or care, and he was happy for the time he had left. He said he didn't have a "bucket list" and just wanted to enjoy life with his friends and family, and he got to do that while staying out of palliative care for as long as possible. I really wish he could have seen us get married, but we dressed up the cardboard box with our portion of his ashes in a little custom box-sized suit that matched my husband's, put googly eyes on it, and it sat at the head table between us.).

darbanator reply
Kicked my dog. I saw red. I kicked him back and left with my dog. Dog and I are doing great 💜.

HinSoCal reply
What hammered it into my head that I loved him - My now partner came over & carried my beloved 75 lb old collie up & down the stairs to my condo 2x a day to toilet for months, insisted on driving us to that awful appointment with the vet, stayed with me during euthanasia & actually was tearful, as an emotionally avoidant man & collected his ashes as he knew it would be horrendous for me, then spent weeks sitting on the floor getting my new rescue to not be afraid of him.. I am a very lucky woman ….believe me I know it!

PersistantTeach reply
Said we need to buy a house big enough for my grandmother to live with us instead of her living in a retirement home. Then he found the house and remodeled the first floor to include a 1 bedroom apartment for her. She lived with us for 15 years and died at home with her family around her. Now my Dad lives with us in that apartment and it is the best thing ever. Hubby is a rock star.