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araT sdrawkcaB
Community Member
Humor is my life support. I don’t “do” malicious intent. Humans suck, Humanity does not.
Space_Eaglez reply
We found an abandoned yacht in the Mediterranean, it was just bobbing there. Sent the RIB to investigate. Reported back completely deserted, just half-eaten meals and suitcases. No signs of life.
gcummdumpsterxxx reply
Hundreds of sea snakes feasting on the bloated corpse of some kind of animal.
Luke_Flyswatter reply
Nothing. It’s just weird when you look out over the ocean and there’s just nothing but water in any direction. Then it starts getting dark and all you see is black water below and the brightest stars above you’ve ever seen.
My ex beat the s**t out of me. My neighbors called the cops. Cops called his parole officer. I was rushed to the hospital with a fractured skull and a broken arm. They let him out of jail 2 days later. And within 2 months he was off parole and disappeared. It’s been almost 13 years but I’m still terrified he’s going to catch up to me one day.
R_vonschwanenfels reply
My partner tried to strangle me. I was already seeing black and a few stars in the black universe on my way to death. Then the police rang the door bell and he stopped. The neighbour a 11-13 old boy called the police, he had his room directly at the house close by and he could see through the window. He saved my life and the life of my unborn baby.
My ex beat the s**t out of me. My neighbors called the cops. Cops called his parole officer. I was rushed to the hospital with a fractured skull and a broken arm. They let him out of jail 2 days later. And within 2 months he was off parole and disappeared. It’s been almost 13 years but I’m still terrified he’s going to catch up to me one day.
R_vonschwanenfels reply
My partner tried to strangle me. I was already seeing black and a few stars in the black universe on my way to death. Then the police rang the door bell and he stopped. The neighbour a 11-13 old boy called the police, he had his room directly at the house close by and he could see through the window. He saved my life and the life of my unborn baby.
Space_Eaglez reply
We found an abandoned yacht in the Mediterranean, it was just bobbing there. Sent the RIB to investigate. Reported back completely deserted, just half-eaten meals and suitcases. No signs of life.
gcummdumpsterxxx reply
Hundreds of sea snakes feasting on the bloated corpse of some kind of animal.