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Verinder of the Valley
Community Member
Hello! Nice to meet you! My name's Verinder, and I am secretly a hare, but you mustn't tell anyone. If you are nice, I can give you some apples, here, here you go, they are special unsee apples, use them when you can, because you will need them on your journey. I have a couple for other people too, everyone is entitled to them. Right then, here's some stuff about me : I am fourteen years old, and I like books a lot, especially Anne of green gables, a absolute classic. What's your favorite book? I like Anne of green gables because she is such a vivid character, and so imaginative, like lots of people on Bored Panda! I also like writing poetry and art, and that's me, I guess! Anyway, take these apples, please, I insist. You will need them sometimes, in this wonderful, diverse jungle of friendly inhabitants and strange, beautiful and bizarre posts. Don't get lost! And have fun too. In the end, we are all just wandering adventurers, make sure your adventure is a exciting and worthy one.