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Curly girl, music lover, and stand up comedian
Sydney-Kate • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
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Sydney-Kate • upvoted 36 items 2 years ago
acp1284 reply
Moviepass was $10 a month and you could use it to get 1 movie ticket a day. I lived next door to a Regal, and I went everyday because Regal would give their reward points for every ticket purchased. They didn’t care that Moviepass was paying for the tickets then giving them to me as part of my subscription. In 8 months I spent $80 on the subscription and saw everything that came out and I racked up enough Regal rewards points for about 50 free popcorns or drinks. Moviepass went out of business but I still had all the Regal rewards.acp1284 reply
Moviepass was $10 a month and you could use it to get 1 movie ticket a day. I lived next door to a Regal, and I went everyday because Regal would give their reward points for every ticket purchased. They didn’t care that Moviepass was paying for the tickets then giving them to me as part of my subscription. In 8 months I spent $80 on the subscription and saw everything that came out and I racked up enough Regal rewards points for about 50 free popcorns or drinks. Moviepass went out of business but I still had all the Regal rewards.35 People Who Noticed An Alarming Number Of Individuals Not Knowing Basic Facts Share What They Were
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
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Sydney-Kate • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Sydney-Kate • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Sydney-Kate • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
Sydney-Kate • upvoted 16 items 2 years ago
acp1284 reply
Moviepass was $10 a month and you could use it to get 1 movie ticket a day. I lived next door to a Regal, and I went everyday because Regal would give their reward points for every ticket purchased. They didn’t care that Moviepass was paying for the tickets then giving them to me as part of my subscription. In 8 months I spent $80 on the subscription and saw everything that came out and I racked up enough Regal rewards points for about 50 free popcorns or drinks. Moviepass went out of business but I still had all the Regal rewards.35 People Who Noticed An Alarming Number Of Individuals Not Knowing Basic Facts Share What They Were
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