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Suvashish Bhattacharyya
Community Member
2 posts
11 points
I am the laziest panda you will ever come across. But writing is one whim of mine, that could wake me from the deepest of slumbers. When I am not jabbing the keys of my PC, then you could find me in the kitchen trying to conjure something edible. Otherwise, I could be blaring like a pronghorn under the shower. Rest of the time, I try to play the synth like a 9-year-old.
Suvashish Bhattacharyya • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago
Suvashish Bhattacharyya • upvoted 8 items 4 years ago
This Is What Happens When You Take A Picture On An iPhone At The Same Time A Flash Goes Off On Another Camera
What’s The Worst Date That You’ve Ever Been On?
The guy seemed nice enough. We had chatted online for several weeks. We decided to meet at a local bar and hang out. Everything was fine, or so I thought. We were talking about parenting. He said he his kids still hadn't forgiven him for the dog incident years ago. What dog incident? Well, he had left some important government documents out in the dining room. The puppy had found them and had fun with them. When he got home and saw the papers were destroyed, he took the dog out back and beat it over the head with an iron bar until it died. He told me this quite casually. I sat there glued to the barstool, with a fake some kind of expression on my face, not able to move or speak or do anything but experience absolute horror. He chuckled and said the kids were still pissed off about it. I was actually afraid for my own life at that point. I excused myself and went to the bathroom, trying to figure out how I could run. When I came out, he was watching the door like a hawk, and smiling. I sat back down. Still couldn't speak. He tried to kiss me. I faked coughing. I said I had to pop out for some air. He followed me and tried to kiss me again, pushing me up against the wall of the building. I can't express how absolutely terrified and horrified I was. I said we should go back inside. He continued to tell me stories and I was just internally panicking the whole time. Eventually, finally, he went to the bathroom and I bolted. I mean, bolted, like I ran, out of the bar, down the street, around the corner to the parking lot, full blast. Drove home breaking every speed limit. Bolted my doors and turned off the lights. Went through all the online chats and deleted everything and blocked him. I'm still haunted by that one.Show All 8 Upvotes
Suvashish Bhattacharyya • started following 4 people 4 years ago
Show All 4 People
Suvashish Bhattacharyya • commented on 2 posts 4 years ago
Suvashish Bhattacharyya • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Suvashish Bhattacharyya • commented on 2 posts 4 years ago
Suvashish Bhattacharyya • upvoted 8 items 4 years ago
This Is What Happens When You Take A Picture On An iPhone At The Same Time A Flash Goes Off On Another Camera
What’s The Worst Date That You’ve Ever Been On?
The guy seemed nice enough. We had chatted online for several weeks. We decided to meet at a local bar and hang out. Everything was fine, or so I thought. We were talking about parenting. He said he his kids still hadn't forgiven him for the dog incident years ago. What dog incident? Well, he had left some important government documents out in the dining room. The puppy had found them and had fun with them. When he got home and saw the papers were destroyed, he took the dog out back and beat it over the head with an iron bar until it died. He told me this quite casually. I sat there glued to the barstool, with a fake some kind of expression on my face, not able to move or speak or do anything but experience absolute horror. He chuckled and said the kids were still pissed off about it. I was actually afraid for my own life at that point. I excused myself and went to the bathroom, trying to figure out how I could run. When I came out, he was watching the door like a hawk, and smiling. I sat back down. Still couldn't speak. He tried to kiss me. I faked coughing. I said I had to pop out for some air. He followed me and tried to kiss me again, pushing me up against the wall of the building. I can't express how absolutely terrified and horrified I was. I said we should go back inside. He continued to tell me stories and I was just internally panicking the whole time. Eventually, finally, he went to the bathroom and I bolted. I mean, bolted, like I ran, out of the bar, down the street, around the corner to the parking lot, full blast. Drove home breaking every speed limit. Bolted my doors and turned off the lights. Went through all the online chats and deleted everything and blocked him. I'm still haunted by that one. Suvashish Bhattacharyya • is following 4 people
Suvashish Bhattacharyya • 1 follower