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hi bestiesss
i’m a christian 14 year old girl who is obsessed with taylor swift and pinterest. please feel free to talk to me if you ever need to by interacting with my comments or list additions. my username comes from the one and only draco malfoy. i am a gryffindor, funnily enough.
my favorite era is speak now. i’m claiming my Fornight (ft. Post Malone) stan tickets. fight me :)
ok that’s enough. god bless!

Hey Swiftie Pandas! What Is Your Favorite “From The Vault” Song On Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)?

Aita For Possibly Starting An Argument Which Caused A Friend To Leave Our Groupchat?

Hey Pandas, Who Is The Relative You Don’t Talk About In Your Family And Why? (Closed)

jadiseoc reply
I drove for Uber for a while during the pandemic. This popped up in my FB memories a few days ago: My BFF and I were just talking about a relationship thread on reddit and she said she thought it was fake, since it was a little crazy and possibly implausible. I found it pretty believable, because I think people are f*****g insane and told her this Uber story that I forgot to share. I picked up a couple a few weeks ago, in the middle of the night, and I could hear them yelling at each other on the curb before I even pulled up. Both drunk, coming from a family party. They got in and proceeded to scream at each other the entire ride about how someone at the party had disrespected the dude and the lady didn't have his back. As I'm approaching their exit on the expressway, the dude is like pull over, let me out, take the next exit! I was taking the exit anyway, so when I got up to the light at the end of the ramp, he jumps out of the car and starts walking away. The light turns green and I ask her if I should just go or what? There was nowhere for me to pull over and I couldn't block traffic. She said yes, he'll find his own way home (her dropoff was still about a mile and a half away) so I go. And as we're driving the last 3 minutes to her house, she very calmly calls her cell carrier, gives what I presume is his number, says she's thinks she lost her phone with that number somewhere in her house but just in case, can they please deactivate it? Stone cold. This is her FIANCE. Who just got out of the car miles from home on a random road, and now has no cell service. I actually drove back in that direction after I dropped her off, but I didn't see him along the road between where I dropped her and the exit ramp where he got out. I don't know where he went, but I didn't find him. I was going to give him a ride home if I had. So anyway...yeah. People are crazy petty, toxic, vindictive, you name it. Nothing surprises me anymore.
katlian reply
My dad was a cab driver for 20 years. He had plenty of stories about drunks, fighting couples, women in labor, people nearly missing their flight, etc. Three I remember the most: He was dropping off a young man and had come to a stop but hadn't put the car in park yet. The passenger jumped out, then leaned back in through the open door with a knife and demanded Dad's money. Dad just stomped on the gas and knocked the idiot out of the car. He tried to back over the guy but he jumped up and ran away before Dad could get the car into reverse. He was renting his car to another driver on his day off. She had a diabetic blackout and rammed the car into a wall at the airport at 40 mph. Fortunately, she survived and didn't hit anyone else but Dad couldn't work for a couple of weeks while he found a new car. He was driving a guy to a small airport where the guy's friend had a plane and they were going to fly to some event that morning. When they got there, the plane wouldn't start because it had a dead battery. So my dad grabbed his jumper cables from the trunk and gave the plane a jump start. He got a nice tip. One funny thing about one of his taxis was that it was an old police car and still had the spotlight. He would use it to find house numbers and also to heat up frozen burritos while he was waiting for fares.
Bald_Soprano reply
I had a habit of asking this question to every cabbie in every taxi I took for a few years. One that sticks with me is the cabbie was stopped at a red light and a body landed on the hood of his car, smashing the hell out of it (s*icide jumper from a condo balcony). I felt pretty bad for asking because he didn’t seem to want to relive that.

f33mac reply
It was about 4am on a really foggy Sunday and I was heading back to the Taxi rank. I was heading through a bridge with a dual-carriageway above it when I spot a person on the bridge. The road on this bridge has no pavements it this caught my eye. I pull up at the side of the road to get a closer look (due to the fog) and realise it's a young woman on the wrong side of the railings. I immediately call 999 and request police and an ambulance then jump out of the taxi to talk to her. I've dealt with my own mental health issues in the past as well as having a few people close to me that suffer from various issues. I got her chatting about her life, general things. I shared from my life too in the hopes of connecting or at the very least distracting her. Eventually the paramedics and police arrive and long story short she was alive. It was terrifying to see someone in pain and all I could do was to chat about random stuff.

wwwdiggdotcom reply
The weirdest one has to be a very attractive mid 30s lady that I picked up at a Walmart at around 8 PM, she asked me if there's any limit to how far she can go, I told her there is not, so she wanted to go to her boyfriend's grandmother's house, which was in a small rural town about 70 miles away. I'm thinking this is the easiest money I've ever made, and I wasn't wrong. We finally make it there and she's like wait don't go into the driveway yet, and she's looking around, and she says Ok good, he's here at his grandma's house like he says he was, which means he's not cheating on me. Ok, we can go back now. So we drive 70 miles back where we came from, stopping by different convenience stores and fast food places, she buys me food and asks me if I want anything along the way, and I take her home, the ride is up to $450 at this point and it's around 1 AM. She starts bringing all her stuff into the house and she comes back and asks me if I want to come inside, I can keep the meter running so I'm technically still on the job. I told her I can't, and she paid the tab and gave me a $100 tip. I always wonder what would have happened if I went in there. I was 22 at the time.
Repulsive-Purple-133 reply
The number of times I picked up demented old people who were running away from their care facility.
MyIronThrowaway reply
I have a relative who is one. One night, near the end of his shift, he’s at the front of the line up, and a bunch of guys say they want to go somewhere pretty far. It’ll be a really big fare, especially for the end of the night. But something about it is making his hair stand up. He says no, that’s too far for him and he’s going home soon. He tells the driver behind him not to take these guys. The driver laughs, calls my relative a dumb N word, and takes the guys. Next day? The other driver is found dead. They robbed and murdered him. He lost his life, for the promise of a $100 dollar fare. Always trust your gut!

KOMarcus reply
Friend of mine was a taxi driver and told me this story. It's the dead of winter and my friend picked an old dude up from a bar and drove him home. The guy was dead drunk and at some point on his way home had my friend pull over so he could puke. He does, guy pukes his guts out and when he's OK they continue home. Guy pays.. all is well. The next day the dispatch calls my friend and says they tracked him down from the guys description and time he got home. They say he needs to go pick the guy up that he drove home last night. He picks the guy up and the guy tells him they need to go to where he puked. My friend notices that the guy can hardly talk. After a bit of searching they find where the guy puked. Old dude gets out and finds his in-puke-frozen-dentures and gets them out of the gutter. Success. Dude has his teeth back. Driver gets a fat a*s tip. Everybody is happy.