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I read the pictures….lol

__________________73 reply
Roundabouts. Great idea, but people can't seem to understand them. I don't know what to expect, though, when most drivers don't know what the red octagon sign means.

Angry_butnotenough reply
Everyone who votes should pass a basic civics test. Stupidity is killing our democracy, as our elected representatives are increasingly manifestations of grievances and hatreds and not of our aspirations.

lookn4knks10 reply
People don’t understand that information isn’t just found on FB, Insta and other social media platforms
They repeat ridiculous things they see posted by someone they don’t know and state it as fact because “I read it”.
Common sense is gone. Critical thinking. Gone. People liking things doesn’t make it true. And this whole “ I feel like it’s true” BS has to stop already. Facts aren’t what you feel.

Moon_Jewel90 reply
Youtube. It used to be fun and a great place to get information and entertainment.

Best_Shelter6576 reply
I notice no one holds doors for the person behind them, people don't let others off of an elevator before they barge in, people don't share the road or let others ahead when driving
.. So I make it a point to do all these things because it's.... polite and I am hoping people will see this and do it as well.. but, when i do these things, like holding a door open for someone, almost everyone will not say "thank you" and some people won't even try to catch the door or even pretend to notice. I've had so many times where the person in front of me slithers out after the person in from of them held the door for them and they do not catch the door and I get a door slammed in my face. Its crazy how much people do this. I started loudly saying ur welcome to people who don't say thank you , and I only (barely) heard one person say oh, thank you. This is In my lifetime BTW, over 30 years, Lol. Driving of course no one waves to say thank u. I do and I do it so they definitely can see lol.
I refuse to be an unkind person, and not hold doors open, or not let others through, not sharing the roads, like how i see majority of people doing. It's not in me to do it even once.
Do these people who do this think this is what those people are supposed to do for them? Or thanking that person is basic social etiquette and the gesture shows you appreciate their kindness and acknowledge it. No gesture makes u feel invisible and unappreciated as if it was some automatic door and that opened itself. Its disrespectful and sad that people don't know what an act of kindness looks like and thinks that's what they're entitled to.
I hope I'm not just old lol and it's getting phased out
Edit.... I came back on and saw notifications... I thought I was getting in trouble for something lol.. I'm so happy people see this and are thoughtful. It's so nice to know that!

On February 8th 1943, Nazi's Hung 17 Year Old Yugoslav Radić. When They Asked Her The Names Of Her Companions, She Replied: "You Will Know Them When They Come To Avenge Me.”

Willem Arondéus Was A Homosexual Dutch Artist Who Bombed The Amsterdam Public Records Office In Ww2 To Hinder The Nazi Effort To Identify Dutch Jews

__________________73 reply
Roundabouts. Great idea, but people can't seem to understand them. I don't know what to expect, though, when most drivers don't know what the red octagon sign means.

Moon_Jewel90 reply
Youtube. It used to be fun and a great place to get information and entertainment.

lookn4knks10 reply
People don’t understand that information isn’t just found on FB, Insta and other social media platforms
They repeat ridiculous things they see posted by someone they don’t know and state it as fact because “I read it”.
Common sense is gone. Critical thinking. Gone. People liking things doesn’t make it true. And this whole “ I feel like it’s true” BS has to stop already. Facts aren’t what you feel.

Angry_butnotenough reply
Everyone who votes should pass a basic civics test. Stupidity is killing our democracy, as our elected representatives are increasingly manifestations of grievances and hatreds and not of our aspirations.

Best_Shelter6576 reply
I notice no one holds doors for the person behind them, people don't let others off of an elevator before they barge in, people don't share the road or let others ahead when driving
.. So I make it a point to do all these things because it's.... polite and I am hoping people will see this and do it as well.. but, when i do these things, like holding a door open for someone, almost everyone will not say "thank you" and some people won't even try to catch the door or even pretend to notice. I've had so many times where the person in front of me slithers out after the person in from of them held the door for them and they do not catch the door and I get a door slammed in my face. Its crazy how much people do this. I started loudly saying ur welcome to people who don't say thank you , and I only (barely) heard one person say oh, thank you. This is In my lifetime BTW, over 30 years, Lol. Driving of course no one waves to say thank u. I do and I do it so they definitely can see lol.
I refuse to be an unkind person, and not hold doors open, or not let others through, not sharing the roads, like how i see majority of people doing. It's not in me to do it even once.
Do these people who do this think this is what those people are supposed to do for them? Or thanking that person is basic social etiquette and the gesture shows you appreciate their kindness and acknowledge it. No gesture makes u feel invisible and unappreciated as if it was some automatic door and that opened itself. Its disrespectful and sad that people don't know what an act of kindness looks like and thinks that's what they're entitled to.
I hope I'm not just old lol and it's getting phased out
Edit.... I came back on and saw notifications... I thought I was getting in trouble for something lol.. I'm so happy people see this and are thoughtful. It's so nice to know that!