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Mark Karol-Chik
Community Member

This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

willmaster123 reply
Second Congo War in the early 2000s left 5.5 million people dead.
Deadliest war since World War 2. A poll showed 91% of Americans had never even heard of it.

Chikuaani reply
Christerdom crusades to scandinavia/northern europe. (cultural apocalypse)
Esentially at least in finland, almost all information from our older history and gods was destroyed.
we used to have a lot of gods, now theyre literally just in a book thats a collection of folk stories because crusaders literally k****d all who knew anything about old gods.
i think it was more like 20% of whole population k****d because they didnt convert.

katiez624 reply
I was surprised to learn how many people didn't know about the roundup of Japanese American citizens after Pearl Harbor. I learned about it in school and thought everyone else did too.

anon reply
A lot of people refer to the Jonestown incident as a mass s*****e when it was really a mass murder and people were forced to drink the cyanide flavor-aid by armed guards, and also the whole community was more horrific than most people know about and many were stuck in Jonestown against their will.

Oh_hi_doggi3 reply
Okay Im not sure how many people know this but the people I have told don't know it.
Edison electrucuted an elephant named Topsy *(she was being sentenced to death for trampling some people to death)* but Edison electrucuted her to prove his form of electricity was safer than Tesla's.
It is so f****d up that he electrucuted a poor animal to prove a point.

greyskysblueeyes reply
The US government were forcibly sterilizing Native American women up until the 1970s. Meaning, the US government was (arguably still are) actively committing genocidal acts against Native peoples well into the 20th century.

mochikitsune reply
Quite a bit from Hawaiian history. I love learning about it, but thinking about enough people dying to turn a river red, it still terrifying.

HighlanderShane reply
Imperial Japan's Unit 731
Not in any school text books but as unsettling as anything throughout history.

Sheairah reply
The Suffragists Night of Terror November 15th 1917 where 33 women fighting for the right to vote were picked up from in front of the White House and put in prison. They suffered beatings, being forced to stand/hang all night with their hands tied above their heads, being thrown around and smashed into iron furniture, and humiliation at the hands of guards. One woman was knocked out after having her head bounced off an iron bench and her cellmate became so distraught (under the impression the unconscious woman was dead) that she suffered a heart attack. She was denied medical care until the next morning.
These women were picked up off the street and thrown in jails where they were abused with no access to council. All because they dared ask Woodrow Wilson to allow them to vote.
EDIT: My comment shouldn't have more upvotes than the thread, be sure to upvote the OP! They're the one who inspired this comment :).

outrider567 reply
King Leopold II of Belgium 1902--responsible for millions of deaths in the Belgian Congo, and had little black boys hands cut off for not producing enough rubber.

Charlie Duke's Family Portrait Left On The Surface Of The Moon. Cat Crater At Station 14 Was Named For Sons Charles And Tom. Dot Crater At Station 16 Was Named For His Wife