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Sophia Ramsey
Community Member
2 posts
585 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Sophia Ramsey • commented on 18 posts 1 year ago
Show All 18 Comments
Sophia Ramsey • upvoted 22 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing A Guest Did In Your House?
I was sharing a flat in San Francisco with two friends, one of whom asked his friend to stay with us while he looked for an apartment. His full name, as far as I could tell, was "Bongo Bob," which should have told me something. I came home from work one afternoon much earlier than usual, and as I walked by the kitchen thought, "How sweet! Bongo Bob is baking something for us!" Except the pound of flour heaped on our kitchen scale was cocaine, which he had been selling from our flat when we were all at workShow All 22 Upvotes
Sophia Ramsey • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago
Sophia Ramsey • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Sophia Ramsey • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Sophia Ramsey • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing A Guest Did In Your House?
I was sharing a flat in San Francisco with two friends, one of whom asked his friend to stay with us while he looked for an apartment. His full name, as far as I could tell, was "Bongo Bob," which should have told me something. I came home from work one afternoon much earlier than usual, and as I walked by the kitchen thought, "How sweet! Bongo Bob is baking something for us!" Except the pound of flour heaped on our kitchen scale was cocaine, which he had been selling from our flat when we were all at workOffice-Pranks
"Plugged in a spare USB keyboard into my co-worker’s desktop. Would randomly hold down the shift key when he was entering his password, lock his terminal when he turned around to talk to someone, or tap the windows key while he was typing. I’m not good at not laughing. I managed to hold it in for 4 days until he finally lost it and started smashing his keyboard and unplugging all the USB cables. He got to the one for the extra keyboard, looked around, then yanked on the cable HARD, and the spare keyboard skipped across my desk and slammed into my cube wall. I laughed so hard I cried for almost 15 minutes." Sophia Ramsey • is following 4 people
Sophia Ramsey • 3 followers