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✨I think the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.✨
Sophhh • upvoted 15 items 1 year ago
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Sophhh • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
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Sophhh • upvoted 22 items 2 years ago
BoredBSEE reply
I had a beater car in college. It was an ancient Plymouth, made mostly out of duct tape and rust. I had all of my college books in it. Just kept them there. Easier for studying. Go out to my car and grab what I need. Engineering books, too. So super super expensive. Someone stole my car out of my driveway with all my books in it. Police report, all that. No joy. I was heartbroken. How in the world could I do my homework? How could I continue the semester? I was totally f****d. My mom offered to take me to school that day. I was just ruined. I had no hope. No idea how I would get by. And on an on-ramp on the way to school, **there she sat**. I just happened to notice her as we were driving by! The old girl chose *that exact moment to throw her transmission*. When the thief was out joyriding it around and tried to get on the freeway. And I just happened to notice it sitting there. All my books were still in it. You just don't get that kind of loyalty with a car anymore. She sacrificed herself in just the right spot so I'd see her and get my books back. I'll always love that car. Godspeed, you old boat.alexkeatoniskeen reply
This isn't so much a *weird* story as a sweet one. I was working as a host for Louise's Trattoria, and the delivery guy was out so they had me go on a delivery run. A small BBQ chicken pizza, about nine bucks or so. I drive it out to an apartment building in Glendale, go up to the third floor. An elderly woman opens the door. She was probably in her 70s. She already had her money in her hand. Now, Louise's tacks on a $3 delivery fee, which she didn't know about, so when I told her the total, she was surprised. She just barely had enough to cover the pizza and delivery fee. No tip. She looked around for some more cash but couldn't find any, then immediately started apologizing for not being able to tip me. I didn't really care -- I was just happy to get out of the restaurant and have a change of pace. As I'm walking back to my car, I hear a woman calling out to me. "Young man!" I turn and see her leaning out of a window on the 3rd floor. She's holding a dollar bill in her hand. She drops it and it flutters down like a leaf. I just remember the look on her face. This elderly woman who clearly didn't have much money, but who didn't want to be that person who didn't tip. That relieved smile.Show All 22 Upvotes
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Sophhh • upvoted 18 items 1 year ago
Sophhh • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
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