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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Warm-Replacement-314 reply
Was working grocery store as a summer job while I finish up one of my remaining classes before I graduated college. Management was f*****g with my schedule and hours, didn’t respect the fact that I had class, and weren’t willing to work with me about cutting my hours down a little (working 20 instead of 25 hours a week). Was thinking about quitting and went to talk to my manager in her office where she said “I guess you will have to pick employment or your class, now go help up front.” Next customer came up line, didn’t know my manager and I just had this conversation, and said “you deserve more than this job. Tell them to f**k off.” So I turned off my light went back to manager and said “I pick my class. I quit.” Got that customers number now and tutor them with their classes, make more, and feel better.
anon reply
The year JRR Tolkien died is the One Ring verse backwards.
3 rings for the elven kings.
7 for the dwarf lords.
9 for mortal men.
1 ring to rule them all.
I always thought this was bizarre lol.
aalios reply
My dad lives in a national park here in Australia. It's farmland that's grandfathered in. It's the remnants of a volcano that blew itself up very violently, so it's very hilly terrain.
One day we were sitting out on the deck, when we see a hang-glider come down halfway down the valley, and it didn't look like a nice landing. "S**t, we better see if he's alright, they don't land anywhere near here"
So we get in the car, drive for about 10 minutes to reach the spot. We head over to the guy who is standing by a very damaged glider. The pilot is staring at us incredulously, he stammers "F**k, Jack, is that you?".
My dad, who hasn't seen his childhood friend for 35 years shouts "F**k, Tim, is that you?".
They both grew up in Greymouth, NZ. Found each other randomly after a glider crash in NSW, Australia.
I used to be a police officer: There were a lot of unspoken rules about making sure we had a high number of arrests. Demonstrating high arrest numbers meant we got federal/state grant money. This kept the prosecutor employed along with the entire court system and showed the town/city we needed a larger budget because of all the arrests. The entire criminal justice system is literally a giant business which [profits] off the backs of the public
Warm-Replacement-314 reply
Was working grocery store as a summer job while I finish up one of my remaining classes before I graduated college. Management was f*****g with my schedule and hours, didn’t respect the fact that I had class, and weren’t willing to work with me about cutting my hours down a little (working 20 instead of 25 hours a week). Was thinking about quitting and went to talk to my manager in her office where she said “I guess you will have to pick employment or your class, now go help up front.” Next customer came up line, didn’t know my manager and I just had this conversation, and said “you deserve more than this job. Tell them to f**k off.” So I turned off my light went back to manager and said “I pick my class. I quit.” Got that customers number now and tutor them with their classes, make more, and feel better.
anon reply
The year JRR Tolkien died is the One Ring verse backwards.
3 rings for the elven kings.
7 for the dwarf lords.
9 for mortal men.
1 ring to rule them all.
I always thought this was bizarre lol.
aalios reply
My dad lives in a national park here in Australia. It's farmland that's grandfathered in. It's the remnants of a volcano that blew itself up very violently, so it's very hilly terrain.
One day we were sitting out on the deck, when we see a hang-glider come down halfway down the valley, and it didn't look like a nice landing. "S**t, we better see if he's alright, they don't land anywhere near here"
So we get in the car, drive for about 10 minutes to reach the spot. We head over to the guy who is standing by a very damaged glider. The pilot is staring at us incredulously, he stammers "F**k, Jack, is that you?".
My dad, who hasn't seen his childhood friend for 35 years shouts "F**k, Tim, is that you?".
They both grew up in Greymouth, NZ. Found each other randomly after a glider crash in NSW, Australia.