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Dasha M
Community Member

6 posts
517 points
Loving cat owner

Dasha M • submitted a new post 3 years ago

Dasha M • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago

Dasha M • submitted a new post 4 years ago

Dasha M • submitted 2 new posts 6 years ago

Dasha M • upvoted 8 items 6 years ago

This Cat Is Taking Over The Internet With His Hilarious Facial Expressions Despite His Problem
Show All 8 Upvotes

Dasha M • commented on a post 6 years ago

Dasha M • upvoted 16 items 7 years ago

30+ People Are Sharing Their Work Brainfarts, And They're Embarrassingly Hilarious
My brain farts are much simpler. Like completely forgetting how to spell 'the' and 'and'...... and then having to ask someone.
Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing You Accidentally Did As A Kid?
When I was three or four, my mom decided to paint my bedroom a nice pale pink. Well, the day she was painting, I was in the middle of everything and getting on her nerves, so she decided to give me an activity to do to keep me off her back. She set me up with paper, a small paintbrush and some fingerpaints and told me to do "splash art", which consisted of simply wetting the paintbrush in different colors and then splashing it onto the paper. What my mother hadn't considered was that the whole, freshly painted, wall right behind me would also end up covered in splash art! Not really my fault because I was so little, and my mom got a frustrated laugh out of it. :-)
30+ People Are Sharing Their Work Brainfarts, And They're Embarrassingly Hilarious
My brain farts are much simpler. Like completely forgetting how to spell 'the' and 'and'...... and then having to ask someone.
Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing You Accidentally Did As A Kid?
When I was three or four, my mom decided to paint my bedroom a nice pale pink. Well, the day she was painting, I was in the middle of everything and getting on her nerves, so she decided to give me an activity to do to keep me off her back. She set me up with paper, a small paintbrush and some fingerpaints and told me to do "splash art", which consisted of simply wetting the paintbrush in different colors and then splashing it onto the paper. What my mother hadn't considered was that the whole, freshly painted, wall right behind me would also end up covered in splash art! Not really my fault because I was so little, and my mom got a frustrated laugh out of it. :-)Show All 16 Upvotes

Dasha M • submitted a new post 7 years ago

Dasha M • submitted a new post 3 years ago

Dasha M • submitted a new post 4 years ago

Dasha M • submitted 2 new posts 6 years ago

Dasha M • submitted a new post 7 years ago

Dasha M • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago

Dasha M • submitted 12 list additions 7 years ago

Dasha M • commented on a post 6 years ago

Dasha M • commented on a post 7 years ago

Dasha M • upvoted 14 items 6 years ago

This Cat Is Taking Over The Internet With His Hilarious Facial Expressions Despite His Problem

Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing You Accidentally Did As A Kid?
When I was three or four, my mom decided to paint my bedroom a nice pale pink. Well, the day she was painting, I was in the middle of everything and getting on her nerves, so she decided to give me an activity to do to keep me off her back. She set me up with paper, a small paintbrush and some fingerpaints and told me to do "splash art", which consisted of simply wetting the paintbrush in different colors and then splashing it onto the paper. What my mother hadn't considered was that the whole, freshly painted, wall right behind me would also end up covered in splash art! Not really my fault because I was so little, and my mom got a frustrated laugh out of it. :-)
Dasha M • upvoted 5 items 7 years ago
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