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I'm Moon, an author. Certified gay and enby.

“My Boyfriend Won’t Talk To Me And Is Suggesting We Break Up After I Saw His Burn Scars”

SlidingOtter reply
Sony Corporation. Because they wouldn’t stop going after a woman named “Sony” who lived in Baltimore because she named her little sandwich shop “Sony’s”. She eventually ran out of money defending her name because Sony Corp kept appealing when they lost.

21 Heartwarming Photos Capturing The Special Bond Between Animals And Their Humans By Lea Styger

25 Times Men Weren't The Ones Creeping Women Out, They Were The Ones Creeped Out By Women

SunfireElfAmaya reply
I went to ride my bike and almost forgot my helmet, I honestly debated grabbing it since I was only planning on doing a few miles; last minute I decided I might as well have it and then half a mile out I got hit by a car. Helmet was busted as hell but other than a concussion I was fine.

RobotGoatBoy reply
He went to a top university and struggled like f**k because everyone was clever and he realised he wasn’t the special unique snowflake that his mum told him he was.
The guy was one of the most arrogant twats I’ve met so I feel karma worked its magic here.

WanderingTacoShop reply
I'll break the mold here from the burnt out gifted kid sterotype.
He got a PhD from a very prestigious university, worked for Google on one of their flagship products, married a Medical Doctor, quit Google and semi-retired. He's mostly a stay at home dad now and does some occasional consulting work part time.
What, I'm not jealous... you're jealous. Seriously though the guy deserved every bit of what he has.

anon reply
That to one degree or another, evolution exists.
Edit: Just thought I'd add... I'm a Christian, and I know this to be true. There's a difference in faith and ignorance.