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1 posts
5 points
I am weird, funny, but more importantly unique. I know my bffs always got my back. Im about to go to 7th grade and I am super nervous. But I know I can make it because Im not on my own. And I do feel one my own a lot of the time but I know that there are a lot of people out there who have my back. And a lot of the times I feel lost, but theres a famous saying that I go by and just is, not all those who wander are lost.Ive lived by that staying for more than nine years and Im going to keep living by it until the day that I die. So theres my story whats yours.
Crazy_Mae_2008 • commented on 22 posts 4 years ago
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Crazy_Mae_2008 • submitted a new post 4 years ago
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Crazy_Mae_2008 • commented on 20 posts 4 years ago
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