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- in my 30s
- working in social science research
- crazy guinea-pig lady ;)
littlecuteprinces reply
How men are praised for doing basic stuff like cooking or taking care of kids, while women are expected to do it all and still get judged for ,,not doing enough''
Not trying to offend anyone just my personal opinion:).
littlecuteprinces reply
How men are praised for doing basic stuff like cooking or taking care of kids, while women are expected to do it all and still get judged for ,,not doing enough''
Not trying to offend anyone just my personal opinion:).
ABurr_sir reply
Beetroot, it tastes like dirt and can’t understand why anyone would want to have it in anything.
We Decorated Our House For Halloween. Now My Dog Just Brings Me Body Parts All Day And Apparently Takes Naps With Her Severed Leg
ABurr_sir reply
Beetroot, it tastes like dirt and can’t understand why anyone would want to have it in anything.