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CertifiedCatServant (he/him)
Community Member
I love my cat to whom I am forever indebted to because she’s a cat and that’s the absolute minimum I can offer.
halladrigummy4 reply
The worst atrocity in human history wasn’t a single act but the slow unraveling of our own compassion. Every time we turned a blind eye to suffering—from the known genocides to the uncountable injustices we witness daily—we allowed humanity’s darkest impulses to fester. It’s not just the big moments that haunt us; it’s the every day decisions we make to overlook the pain of others that is the true horror of our existence. Let’s not just remember history; let’s vow to change the narrative tomorrow.
halladrigummy4 reply
The worst atrocity in human history wasn’t a single act but the slow unraveling of our own compassion. Every time we turned a blind eye to suffering—from the known genocides to the uncountable injustices we witness daily—we allowed humanity’s darkest impulses to fester. It’s not just the big moments that haunt us; it’s the every day decisions we make to overlook the pain of others that is the true horror of our existence. Let’s not just remember history; let’s vow to change the narrative tomorrow.