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Sidra Badar
Community Member
1 posts
67 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Sidra Badar • commented on 25 posts 2 years ago
30 Transformations By This Hairstylist And His Team That Show The Power Of A Good Stylist (New Pics)
Show All 25 Comments
Sidra Badar • submitted 7 list additions 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's A Product That You Think Is Overrated? And What's One That's Underrated? (Closed)
Sidra Badar • upvoted 8 items 2 years ago
Educational-Ad2063 said: Amazon. Sometimes it's hard because they are the only place to get some odd ball crap. But I've ordered from them only twice in the past year or so. I might use their search engine to find what I'm looking for and get part numbers and names. Them go to the original manufacturers site and order from them. It usually cost me more, but screw Amazon. vampierem replied: Came here to say this, I haven't bought anything from Amazon in over a year because they are such a terrible monopoly that I refuse to support. Ebay has been a good alternative for most things I can't buy locally.Hey Pandas, Aita For Wanting To Put Myself First?
Why do you even doubt yourself? It's not like you're ignoring him on his deathbed. I'm sorry for being harsh. Why do you even say 'AITA'. You're not even selfish here. If your partner cared for you at all, he should've forced you to take the scholarship. If your relationship is strong it will prevail, no matter the distance. Time will pass and you will end up resenting him for choosing him over the scholarship. Best of luck and stop questioning yourself as long as you're not harming anyone else, you're not TA.Show All 8 Upvotes
Sidra Badar • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Sidra Badar • submitted 11 list additions 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's A Product That You Think Is Overrated? And What's One That's Underrated? (Closed)
Sidra Badar • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
30 Transformations By This Hairstylist And His Team That Show The Power Of A Good Stylist (New Pics)
Sidra Badar • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Educational-Ad2063 said: Amazon. Sometimes it's hard because they are the only place to get some odd ball crap. But I've ordered from them only twice in the past year or so. I might use their search engine to find what I'm looking for and get part numbers and names. Them go to the original manufacturers site and order from them. It usually cost me more, but screw Amazon. vampierem replied: Came here to say this, I haven't bought anything from Amazon in over a year because they are such a terrible monopoly that I refuse to support. Ebay has been a good alternative for most things I can't buy locally.Hey Pandas, Aita For Wanting To Put Myself First?
Why do you even doubt yourself? It's not like you're ignoring him on his deathbed. I'm sorry for being harsh. Why do you even say 'AITA'. You're not even selfish here. If your partner cared for you at all, he should've forced you to take the scholarship. If your relationship is strong it will prevail, no matter the distance. Time will pass and you will end up resenting him for choosing him over the scholarship. Best of luck and stop questioning yourself as long as you're not harming anyone else, you're not TA.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Things You Really Love And 3 Things You Really Hate?
My Husband Rain Smiles Weapons industry Manipulators Corporate Companies preying on working classThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Sidra Badar • 17 followers