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So Blessed, So Blessed!
hfrankow reply
Seattle, WA.
Expensive, nasty weather, won't turn on the heat in public places, and the meanest/snobbiest/rudest locals.
Like no one makes eye contact, holds open a door, or says hello but then your tab will be $75 for 4 drinks. Small coffees from almost anywhere were $7+.
Most places are worth it in some way but not Seattle.
The area is absolutely gorgeous and the city's infrastructure is great for the US. But neither make up for the rest of the nonsense.
MatttheBruinsfan reply
Personally, I hate Birmingham AL for its nonsensical highway layout, the fact it always meant lost time when I tried to travel through it to anyplace, and the scummy residents I've run into there.
But objectively I'd say Cairo IL is the most dilapidated and creepy town I've driven through. It's as if that [big gateway into town]
Frosty-Ad8457 reply
Lived in Omaha Nebraska for a year and it’s the biggest s**t hole I’ve ever seen in my whole life.
BoredBSEE reply
New Orleans, LA.
I used to love the place when I was in college, I really did. It was wonderful. Music. Food. Just wonderful.
But that's not how it is today. It's like a city doing a s****y impression of New Orleans.
I hadn't been there in over a dozen years and went back last Summer. The food was lousy. There were homeless people *everywhere* on Bourbon St. which I've never seen before. And hookers patrol down up and down the road hitting up absolutely everybody. Right in front of the cops so you know (surprise surprise) that they're in on it.
The place has absolutely zero charm now.