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Shehryar Khawar
Community Member

1 posts
60 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Shehryar Khawar • commented on a post 8 months ago

Shehryar Khawar • upvoted 5 items 9 months ago
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Shehryar Khawar • upvoted 2 items 10 months ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on a post 10 months ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on a post 1 year ago

Shehryar Khawar • upvoted an item 1 year ago

Shehryar Khawar • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
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Shehryar Khawar • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
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Shehryar Khawar • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

Landmines. I'll tell you why: They render large tracts of land completely unusable They are expensive and difficult to remove safely because there is seldom documentation of where they are placed They are cheap, plentiful, easy to place, and deadly They kill/maim livestock and wild animals They kill/maim innocent people decades after conflicts have ended. Many times the victims are children because they can't read or don't understand warning signs
Im from South Asia, and from a country infamous for its war against terrorism. Since we have won it and the country has been safe for quite a few years, we have started seeing tourists return to our country. The people here are very generous and hospitable. They know about the bad name the war brought to the country, and everyone, regardless of how much they have, is trying to do what they can to improve the image. Based on this, it is very common to see street vendors/ restaurant owners refusing to receive payment for their food from tourists. They claim that “you are our guests. And we never take payments from guests” which I believe is a very sweet and kind gesture since these people dont have much and are struggling to break even most of the time. However, since the past year or two, this thing has become really famous due to youtube, and a lot of foreign vloggers are abusing it. They often go to street vendors and dont even offer paying. More so, it is as if instead of going to popular restaurant which they could easily afford, they basically go to these vendors specifically so they shouldnt have to pay. Now that is okay and acceptable to some extent, but following this with the intention to abuse it is something that doesn’t settle well with me. Like i said, the street vendors are mostly struggling financially, and while many of the foreign vloggers are getting paid well, its as if they’re looting these low income people. I know part of this might seem inconsistent and what not. Like maybe the people can just stop offering them free food, but this has been part of our culture and tradition for generations, and it takes quite a while to abandon traditions. Anyway, my two cents is that sure, enjoy the hospitality. We do it out of love and it reflects how we really are. But please dont abuse it. Also, if someone does good to you, please pay it forward. Maybe by tipping someone well or something? Such a thing would be really nice:)
TIL that sharks smell in "stereo," that is, they can detect the tiny delays in the time it takes for a scent to reach one nostril compared to the other and use it to determine the direction from where the scent is coming. This helps them in tracking their prey.Show All 20 Upvotes

Shehryar Khawar • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago
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Shehryar Khawar • submitted a new post 8 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • submitted a list addition 8 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on a post 8 months ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on a post 10 months ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on a post 1 year ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on a post 4 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on 3 posts 5 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on 4 posts 7 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • commented on 3 posts 8 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • upvoted an item 8 months ago

Shehryar Khawar • upvoted 6 items 9 months ago

Shehryar Khawar • upvoted an item 1 year ago

Shehryar Khawar • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago

Shehryar Khawar • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago

Landmines. I'll tell you why: They render large tracts of land completely unusable They are expensive and difficult to remove safely because there is seldom documentation of where they are placed They are cheap, plentiful, easy to place, and deadly They kill/maim livestock and wild animals They kill/maim innocent people decades after conflicts have ended. Many times the victims are children because they can't read or don't understand warning signs
Im from South Asia, and from a country infamous for its war against terrorism. Since we have won it and the country has been safe for quite a few years, we have started seeing tourists return to our country. The people here are very generous and hospitable. They know about the bad name the war brought to the country, and everyone, regardless of how much they have, is trying to do what they can to improve the image. Based on this, it is very common to see street vendors/ restaurant owners refusing to receive payment for their food from tourists. They claim that “you are our guests. And we never take payments from guests” which I believe is a very sweet and kind gesture since these people dont have much and are struggling to break even most of the time. However, since the past year or two, this thing has become really famous due to youtube, and a lot of foreign vloggers are abusing it. They often go to street vendors and dont even offer paying. More so, it is as if instead of going to popular restaurant which they could easily afford, they basically go to these vendors specifically so they shouldnt have to pay. Now that is okay and acceptable to some extent, but following this with the intention to abuse it is something that doesn’t settle well with me. Like i said, the street vendors are mostly struggling financially, and while many of the foreign vloggers are getting paid well, its as if they’re looting these low income people. I know part of this might seem inconsistent and what not. Like maybe the people can just stop offering them free food, but this has been part of our culture and tradition for generations, and it takes quite a while to abandon traditions. Anyway, my two cents is that sure, enjoy the hospitality. We do it out of love and it reflects how we really are. But please dont abuse it. Also, if someone does good to you, please pay it forward. Maybe by tipping someone well or something? Such a thing would be really nice:)This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Shehryar Khawar • 3 followers