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Shadow Hexus
Community Member
2 posts
538 points
Im an artist that draws fantasy and realism. I mostly use colour pencil. I am a pet snail rescuer and have been keeping them for 17 years. I am an avid games collector. With over 800 games in my collection.
Shadow Hexus • upvoted 4 items 2 years ago
"What’s The Oldest Item Or Piece Of Furniture In Your House": 35 Oldest Items Shared By Our Community
Digital Artist Combines Characters From Popular Movies And TV, And The Results Are Hilarious (49 New Pics)
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Shadow Hexus • upvoted 32 items 3 years ago
My Husband Passed Away 2 Weeks Ago And In The Garage Behind A Piece Of Paper Hanging On The Wall I Found This
Hey Pandas, What Is Not Illegal But Should Be?
Children's beauty pageants - parading kids in lipstick and padded bikinis - is wrong.Reasons-For-Not-Having-Child-Askreddit
This world is stupid, corrupt, full of a**holes. Why would I want to bring anyone into this mess?Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Cockroaches, I'm just equally terrified and disgusted by them. I can stand mice, rats, snakes, mosquitos and any other kind of vermin, but cockroaches really make me lose all my nerves!Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Most definitely the (German) wasp. Not only does their sting hurt a lot they're also super aggressive. Having a BBQ in the midst of summer can become a nightmare. They raid your buffet, they crawl into your beverages, they're swarming bloody everywhere. And if you come to close, bam! you get a sting. Trying to run away? Have a sting. Fighting back? Here's multiple stings. Do they heroically die when attacking, like bees do? Nope. Reload and fire again. Bloody bastards. I hate them. I kill them whenever I get the chance. Seldom have I shown mercy.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
I mean, humans, for one, but monkeys have always freaked me out.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Ticks. They are horrible little blood suckers, spreading disease wherever they are found. They ruin walks in the woods, in meadows, just about everywhere. When they balloon up, swollen with blood, they look disgusting.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Ticks. I remember being able to run barefoot all over nature as a kid. Now it's dangerous.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Probably going to get down voted and hated, but pomeranians and pugs. Pugs because theyre overbred and pomeranians becasue theyre twitter purse dogs.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Flies. The more I swat the more they try on purpose to get in my hair. Especially where I live it’s really hot, so there’s a lot of mosquitoes and flies everywhereHey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Gnats. I am talking about those that are determined that the inside of your ear, your nostrils, or you mouth is perfect place to be, no matter how many times you flap your hand at them. The same kind of gnats that seem to decide the second you set your beverage glass down outside that it is perfect place to commit suicide.Hey Pandas, What Common Thing Do You Appreciate More Since The Pandemic?
Silence. It's really hard to get some when everyone is always home. Neighbours either loudly f*****g or yelling at each other like 24/7, kids running around outside my windows instead being at school, people all around the neighbourhood doing reconstructions of their apartments because they finally have time for it... Silence is the best music there is.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Words like "victim" and "survivor" being thrown around so much to the point where they are losing their meaning.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Family vloggers horrify me. The concept of exploiting your children's lives for views is particularly awful. And because it's a relatively new concept there are no real laws around child labor or exploitation concerning it. There are youtubers out there right now who live in mansions worth millions of dollars that they got from shoving a camera in their toddler's face and demanding them to perform for strangers. I can't even imagine the psychological repercussions this will have on these kids in the future.Show All 32 Upvotes
Shadow Hexus • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Shadow Hexus • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago
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Shadow Hexus • submitted 2 new posts 6 years ago
Shadow Hexus • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago
Shadow Hexus • submitted 6 list additions 4 years ago
Shadow Hexus • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Shadow Hexus • upvoted 4 items 2 years ago
Digital Artist Combines Characters From Popular Movies And TV, And The Results Are Hilarious (49 New Pics)
Shadow Hexus • upvoted 16 items 3 years ago
My Husband Passed Away 2 Weeks Ago And In The Garage Behind A Piece Of Paper Hanging On The Wall I Found This
After Not Seeing My Grandparents For Months, They Finally Figured Out How “To Work Facetime.” This Was My Grandpa’s Face When He Saw Me
Hey Pandas, What Is Not Illegal But Should Be?
Children's beauty pageants - parading kids in lipstick and padded bikinis - is wrong.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Ticks. I remember being able to run barefoot all over nature as a kid. Now it's dangerous.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Most definitely the (German) wasp. Not only does their sting hurt a lot they're also super aggressive. Having a BBQ in the midst of summer can become a nightmare. They raid your buffet, they crawl into your beverages, they're swarming bloody everywhere. And if you come to close, bam! you get a sting. Trying to run away? Have a sting. Fighting back? Here's multiple stings. Do they heroically die when attacking, like bees do? Nope. Reload and fire again. Bloody bastards. I hate them. I kill them whenever I get the chance. Seldom have I shown mercy.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Animal?
Flies. The more I swat the more they try on purpose to get in my hair. Especially where I live it’s really hot, so there’s a lot of mosquitoes and flies everywhereThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Shadow Hexus • 49 followers