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Community Member
1 posts
991 points
I am an alien from outer space,
If you're anti vax go fuck yourself
If you're homophobic go fuck yourself
If you're racist go fuck yourself
Also why doesn't it censor my bad language??
2$:!,&.d2&:! • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
2$:!,&.d2&:! • commented on 10 posts 3 years ago
Show All 10 Comments
2$:!,&.d2&:! • upvoted 28 items 3 years ago
Whenever you’re stuck in a situation where someone starts to cry, offer to get them water. It gives them the space to express their emotions privately for a bit and feel cared for as you are trying to help by getting water. Also helps if people crying makes you uncomfortable.People-Share-Creepy-Encounters-Ring-Doorbell-Camera
A chemical plant blew up a few miles from my house and you could hear the a distant explosion and see an orange glow on minePeople-Share-Creepy-Encounters-Ring-Doorbell-Camera
My little brother is a sleepwalker, this one time he snuck out of the house (while still asleep). My sister said she heard someone talking just outside the door, went to look and saw my brother sat on the porch couch apparently having a conversation with my grandpa. She says he was telling my grandpa “I love you” and “I’m going to miss you.” My dad got him back inside the house without waking him up and nobody gave much thought into what just had happened until a couple hours later when my uncle called telling us my grandpa had passed away while asleep. My little brother says he doesn’t remember anything but we got it on video, we can’t hear what he’s saying too clearly but he was definitely talking to someone and he sure as heck said “I’m going to miss you” at least twice.Show All 28 Upvotes
2$:!,&.d2&:! • submitted a new post 3 years ago
2$:!,&.d2&:! • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
2$:!,&.d2&:! • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
2$:!,&.d2&:! • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Whenever you’re stuck in a situation where someone starts to cry, offer to get them water. It gives them the space to express their emotions privately for a bit and feel cared for as you are trying to help by getting water. Also helps if people crying makes you uncomfortable.People-Share-Creepy-Encounters-Ring-Doorbell-Camera
A chemical plant blew up a few miles from my house and you could hear the a distant explosion and see an orange glow on minePeople-Share-Creepy-Encounters-Ring-Doorbell-Camera
My little brother is a sleepwalker, this one time he snuck out of the house (while still asleep). My sister said she heard someone talking just outside the door, went to look and saw my brother sat on the porch couch apparently having a conversation with my grandpa. She says he was telling my grandpa “I love you” and “I’m going to miss you.” My dad got him back inside the house without waking him up and nobody gave much thought into what just had happened until a couple hours later when my uncle called telling us my grandpa had passed away while asleep. My little brother says he doesn’t remember anything but we got it on video, we can’t hear what he’s saying too clearly but he was definitely talking to someone and he sure as heck said “I’m going to miss you” at least twice.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
2$:!,&.d2&:! • 63 followers