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Taibhse Sealgair
Community Member
Old. Happily married. South Eastern US. Very boring. Highly opinionated, but generally unwilling to share those opinions. Value facts over opinions anyway. Only leave the house for shopping and doctors appointments. Also, our cats barf too much. Usually in my shoes or on the carpet. Only been banned from BP once, but we should all have goals. Also, beekeeper. (Didn't see that one coming, did you?) I'm not sure how to save what I've written here. Fingers crossed.
SarahDezelin reply
Small one, making bread. We have a bread machine and our bread tastes better, is astronomically less expensive, doesn't have questionable ingredients, and is easy with the machine. Absolute win.
SarahDezelin reply
Small one, making bread. We have a bread machine and our bread tastes better, is astronomically less expensive, doesn't have questionable ingredients, and is easy with the machine. Absolute win.