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1 posts
1.4K points
Just a guy who likes to view Bored Panda. I made an account so that I can comment and vote - don't really have anything to post about
RedstonewolfX • upvoted an item 1 year ago
RedstonewolfX • commented on 21 posts 2 years ago
Show All 21 Comments
RedstonewolfX • upvoted 17 items 2 years ago
My husband’s old friend stayed with us for two weeks while we were living in Japan. He was very smug and irritating; an instant ‘expert’ on Japan after a few days, when we had been living there for two years. Finally, finally he left on a Friday. My husband and I had separate plans on Saturday. I returned in the afternoon to an unlocked door and the sound of the TV. I thought hubby had returned early. Nope. It was Old Friend - thinking we had gone for the weekend, he had broken into our apartment for an extra two-night stay. “You weren’t supposed to be here!” he protested - and he refused to leave until my husband came back home and told Old Pal personally that he had overstayed his welcome.Show All 17 Upvotes
RedstonewolfX • started following a person 2 years ago
RedstonewolfX • submitted a new post 3 years ago
RedstonewolfX • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
RedstonewolfX • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
RedstonewolfX • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
My husband’s old friend stayed with us for two weeks while we were living in Japan. He was very smug and irritating; an instant ‘expert’ on Japan after a few days, when we had been living there for two years. Finally, finally he left on a Friday. My husband and I had separate plans on Saturday. I returned in the afternoon to an unlocked door and the sound of the TV. I thought hubby had returned early. Nope. It was Old Friend - thinking we had gone for the weekend, he had broken into our apartment for an extra two-night stay. “You weren’t supposed to be here!” he protested - and he refused to leave until my husband came back home and told Old Pal personally that he had overstayed his welcome. RedstonewolfX • 17 followers