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Alexej Dvorak
Community Member
1 posts
3.5K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Alexej Dvorak • commented on 10 posts 11 months ago
Show All 10 Comments
Alexej Dvorak • upvoted 28 items 11 months ago
anon reply
Tagged along with a friend to a house party where I barely knew anyone. Was walking in the kitchen when someone decided to prep a big fruit salad and I offered to help with the mango because just a couple days prior I had watched a Youtube tutorial on how to easily cut up a mango. (Cut off “flat” sides, cross score, flip inside out to get a “mango hedgehog”, cut off spikes, easy!). I had never tried that technique before but still gave it a shot. Somehow I managed to pull it off perfectly. When I looked up everyone in the kitchen was astounded by how skillfully I had prepped that mango. One of my buddies female friends so much so, that we ended up hooking up that evening and had a months long fling. TL;DR Handled a mango, got the girl.Show All 28 Upvotes
Alexej Dvorak • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Alexej Dvorak • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Alexej Dvorak • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
Alexej Dvorak • submitted 13 list additions 2 years ago
Alexej Dvorak • commented on 10 posts 11 months ago
Alexej Dvorak • commented on 10 posts 1 year ago
Alexej Dvorak • upvoted 20 items 11 months ago
anon reply
Tagged along with a friend to a house party where I barely knew anyone. Was walking in the kitchen when someone decided to prep a big fruit salad and I offered to help with the mango because just a couple days prior I had watched a Youtube tutorial on how to easily cut up a mango. (Cut off “flat” sides, cross score, flip inside out to get a “mango hedgehog”, cut off spikes, easy!). I had never tried that technique before but still gave it a shot. Somehow I managed to pull it off perfectly. When I looked up everyone in the kitchen was astounded by how skillfully I had prepped that mango. One of my buddies female friends so much so, that we ended up hooking up that evening and had a months long fling. TL;DR Handled a mango, got the girl.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Alexej Dvorak • 13 followers