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the sassy sussy assassins
Community Member
1 posts
2 points
We are the three susketeersGinnie the Sassy, Annabeth the Sussy and Howzer the Assassin (not our real names)We love memes, pets, The Clone Wars, Percy Jackson and forgetting to do your homework (OK maybe not that)If you want to check out our individual accounts they are Just Another Star Wars Fan, Vampire Demigod and Katie
the sassy sussy assassins • upvoted 32 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
Honestly? Lots of things but one thing here on Bored Panda: Please don’t downvote others because you disagree. If it’s racist, misogynistic, mean and nasty then yes go for it. But simply downvoting because you disagree is silly. The Pandas get minus 10 and suspended for nothing. Let’s be nice. If you’re a VBP (Very Bored Panda) then scroll and give others an uppie! Some really great Pandas I’ve missed lately: DUN DUN. Bacony Cakes, Sam, Hans. Love you guys !Hey Pandas, Write Your Middle Name Backwards! Does It Sound Like An Ancient Gods Name?
Elizabeth so… ThebazileHey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
*sigh* UR MOMHey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
even we know boris is a liarHey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
Not on a wall, but on a big boulder: what wonders lay under me? And then on the bottom of the same boulder: Made you look!Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
Eat at Joes!Nemo1ner reply
We need to stop consuming animal products the way we currently are. It's absolutely unsustainable. The amount of downvotes this post will receive proves the title of this post.JesusChristsGayLover reply
That all gods are man made, start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop thinking that some magical being is going to come and help you out.corrado33 reply
"You can achieve anything you put your mind to" is NOT true. Not even close. Genetics play a HUGE role in whether or not someone will be a good athlete, or a super successful scientist. Can you be an "OK" athlete if you try really hard and practice really hard? Sure. Will you break world records or play for a professional team? No. You have to be especially gifted in the genetics department to do those sorts of things. The same thing applies for mental pursuits. Not everyone is smart. Some people just don't... get it. You can try a million different ways of teaching a subject and some people just... won't... get it. Critical thinking (the ability to see a problem and visualize how to get a solution) comes MUCH MORE EASILY to some people than to others. Can you sit there and memorize things and get good grades and what not? Absolutely. Will you ever be a scientist who does extremely important research and solves the world's next huge problem? Probably not, unless you get hired because of nepotism are dragged along by someone who IS good at critical thinking. Furthermore, much of what you CAN do is limited by who you know. If you're rich or your parents are rich and they know lots of people and have a large social network or a lot of people who want to please them for one reason or another, you'll likely find a job in whatever career you want to extremely easily provided you're not totally inept. If you're the first in your family to get a degree and aren't good at maintaining a social network you'll likely have an extremely hard time finding a job, even if you are the person best suited for the jobs you are applying for. Even if the job you're applying for is LITERALLY what you spent 5 years getting a PhD on, if you don't know somebody, you likely won't get that job.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
How To Make a Wheel: Find something round. Make a hole in the middle. Put a stick in the . . . ah, never mind. You can't read yet.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
Roodpart sign it as BatmanHey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
Old godzilla was hopping around Tokyo city like a big playground when suddenly batman burst from the shade and hit godzilla with a bat grenadeHey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
Wanted 25,000. Remember to adjust time sequencer to factor in leap years.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
Rice is good. Worship riceHey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In A Time Machine 100,000 Years, And Write Something On A Cave Wall For A Archaeologist To Find, What Would You Write?
He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Grail in the Castle of AaarrrrgghShow All 32 Upvotes
the sassy sussy assassins • commented on a post 2 years ago
the sassy sussy assassins • submitted 6 list additions 2 years ago
the sassy sussy assassins • submitted a new post 2 years ago
the sassy sussy assassins • submitted a new post 2 years ago
the sassy sussy assassins • submitted 6 list additions 2 years ago
the sassy sussy assassins • commented on a post 2 years ago
the sassy sussy assassins • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
Honestly? Lots of things but one thing here on Bored Panda: Please don’t downvote others because you disagree. If it’s racist, misogynistic, mean and nasty then yes go for it. But simply downvoting because you disagree is silly. The Pandas get minus 10 and suspended for nothing. Let’s be nice. If you’re a VBP (Very Bored Panda) then scroll and give others an uppie! Some really great Pandas I’ve missed lately: DUN DUN. Bacony Cakes, Sam, Hans. Love you guys !JesusChristsGayLover reply
That all gods are man made, start taking responsibility for your own actions and stop thinking that some magical being is going to come and help you out.corrado33 reply
"You can achieve anything you put your mind to" is NOT true. Not even close. Genetics play a HUGE role in whether or not someone will be a good athlete, or a super successful scientist. Can you be an "OK" athlete if you try really hard and practice really hard? Sure. Will you break world records or play for a professional team? No. You have to be especially gifted in the genetics department to do those sorts of things. The same thing applies for mental pursuits. Not everyone is smart. Some people just don't... get it. You can try a million different ways of teaching a subject and some people just... won't... get it. Critical thinking (the ability to see a problem and visualize how to get a solution) comes MUCH MORE EASILY to some people than to others. Can you sit there and memorize things and get good grades and what not? Absolutely. Will you ever be a scientist who does extremely important research and solves the world's next huge problem? Probably not, unless you get hired because of nepotism are dragged along by someone who IS good at critical thinking. Furthermore, much of what you CAN do is limited by who you know. If you're rich or your parents are rich and they know lots of people and have a large social network or a lot of people who want to please them for one reason or another, you'll likely find a job in whatever career you want to extremely easily provided you're not totally inept. If you're the first in your family to get a degree and aren't good at maintaining a social network you'll likely have an extremely hard time finding a job, even if you are the person best suited for the jobs you are applying for. Even if the job you're applying for is LITERALLY what you spent 5 years getting a PhD on, if you don't know somebody, you likely won't get that job.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet