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I travel. I seek the Parmesan.
Community Member

6 posts
136 points

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • started following a person 3 years ago

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago

Have a parrot, who is a devout Destroyer of Things™. We built him a bridge so that he could get around his cage, and he stood on it while trying to dislodge the branch he was perched on. Obviously he promptly tumbled down, but he is one optimistic burb who was right back at it lololShow All 3 Upvotes

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • commented on 25 posts 4 years ago
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I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • submitted 3 list additions 4 years ago

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • submitted 3 new posts 4 years ago
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I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • upvoted 3 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas! What Is The Most "Yeah, Alright, That Totally Happened" You've Heard?
When I was in second grade, a friend of mine said that Queen Elizabeth was her grandma. We’re American
Hey Pandas! What Is The Most "Yeah, Alright, That Totally Happened" You've Heard?
One time I was playing Roblox with my sister and we saw this girl who kept claiming to be a "demon princess." Se kept doing these weird role-player things like *sucks blood* or *makes tsunami*. We kept telling her to stop spamming the chat with erid stuff, and she said if we told her to stop one more time she would kill us because she apparently knows where we live. MHM YEAH OKAY
Hey Pandas! What Is The Most "Yeah, Alright, That Totally Happened" You've Heard?
When I was in second grade, a friend of mine said that Queen Elizabeth was her grandma. We’re American
Hey Pandas! What Is The Most "Yeah, Alright, That Totally Happened" You've Heard?
One time I was playing Roblox with my sister and we saw this girl who kept claiming to be a "demon princess." Se kept doing these weird role-player things like *sucks blood* or *makes tsunami*. We kept telling her to stop spamming the chat with erid stuff, and she said if we told her to stop one more time she would kill us because she apparently knows where we live. MHM YEAH OKAYShow All 3 Upvotes

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • submitted 13 list additions 4 years ago

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • commented on 18 posts 4 years ago

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • upvoted 5 items 3 years ago

Have a parrot, who is a devout Destroyer of Things™. We built him a bridge so that he could get around his cage, and he stood on it while trying to dislodge the branch he was perched on. Obviously he promptly tumbled down, but he is one optimistic burb who was right back at it lolol
I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • upvoted 15 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas! What Is The Most "Yeah, Alright, That Totally Happened" You've Heard?
When I was in second grade, a friend of mine said that Queen Elizabeth was her grandma. We’re American
Hey Pandas! What Is The Most "Yeah, Alright, That Totally Happened" You've Heard?
One time I was playing Roblox with my sister and we saw this girl who kept claiming to be a "demon princess." Se kept doing these weird role-player things like *sucks blood* or *makes tsunami*. We kept telling her to stop spamming the chat with erid stuff, and she said if we told her to stop one more time she would kill us because she apparently knows where we live. MHM YEAH OKAY
Demanded to know how to say “Hola in Spanish” would not accept that hola was already Spanish, cried for hours
Hey Pandas! What Is Your Favorite Line Or Scene From The Office (US)?
there are millions to choose from, but my top favorite has to be the fire drill Dwight did. Second favorite, andy jumping into the box screaming, "PARKOURRRRR"
Hey Pandas, Share Your Best Joke, Riddle, Or Funny Story!
Why can’t Trump visit the White House? Because it’s FOR BIDEN!!!
Hey Pandas! How Have You Completely Shut Down A Karen, Idiot, Or Bully?
Alright, here we go... Long story short, these eighth grade thots were vaping in the bathroom, and one of 'em said "Ugh, I hope those (Furry directed slur) get kicked out." I, as a proud country vixen, without skipping a beat, say "How 'bout ya keep that sh** attitude to yourself." Gosh dangit her face was hilarious.
Hey Pandas! How Have You Completely Shut Down A Karen, Idiot, Or Bully?
When I was in 1st grade my friend and I had a mild obsession in guinea pigs. This included pretending to be guinea pigs at recess, eating carrots like rodents, and sometimes weeping (we consider their little squeals to be weeps) at each other. There was one kid with anger issues. He had to be calmed down with snacks and ones time everyone was hurried out of the art class because he had just had a tantrum and flipped a desk. So anyways, he bullied me a lot and decided he didn't like our weeping so he started shouting "MOOO MOOO I'M A COW" whenever he saw us. I proceeded to yell "MOOO MOOO I'M AN IDIOT" at him.
Hey Pandas! How Have You Completely Shut Down A Karen, Idiot, Or Bully?
I didn’t shut this person down but it is a great story. I was at a restaurant and there was a 4 year old (estimating) boy. He had down syndrome and there was a group of people on a table near him. He got up and started eating their food (his food hadn’t arrived yet). A man from the table man gently went and told the mum and grandma who were with the kid that he was eating their food. The grandma got up and shouted in the man’s face claiming the kid couldn’t help it and that if he wanted to eat their food, he could. A waiter nearby came to pull the grandma away from the man and the grandma asked to see the manager. The manager cane out, the grandma screamed at the man again and the manager asked her to leave. The poor kid just looked so confused the whole time and was crying by the end of it.
Hey Pandas! How Have You Completely Shut Down A Karen, Idiot, Or Bully?
We had this bully (a new guy) in our class, he was starting to bother everyone, and nobody checked him. He was getting really aggressive. One day while the teacher was out of the class, he went up to me and asked what kind of tasks do we have to do and demanded that I should explain it to him and let him copy my work, "or else". I got tired of his threats and called him out. He told me to meet up after classes on The Mountain, it's we're the fights were happening. We've met up. He started verbally assaulting me and shoved me, I punched him in the face once, and it all ended. He became a nicer person to everyone after that, and his aggressiveness evaporated. Just for the record, I regret fighting. I was really nervous after that, and was worried if he's ok, if I didn't do any long-term damage, if he's going to call his older friends, etc. Now that I look at it, I probably should've gone about it in some other way, but I was in fifth grade, so I didn't know what I was doing.
Hey Pandas! How Have You Completely Shut Down A Karen, Idiot, Or Bully?
My story is that there was this kid who was always walking around telling everyone how they were dressed badly. He came up to me, I looked at his clothes and said, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was 1966." He shut up after that
Hey Pandas! How Have You Completely Shut Down A Karen, Idiot, Or Bully?
School bully. Picked on me for months. One day I turned to him, looked down on him (he was a bit shorter than I am) and said, he must feel very heroic. Insulting me, shoving me, trying to trigger a reaction from me.... while he is standing with is back to a staircase in Level 4 of our school building. He turned very pale, very fast. Never talked to me again
I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • is following 4 people

I travel. I seek the Parmesan. • 73 followers