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Sarah Mezei
Community Member
From the small province of Prince Edward Island on the east coast of Canada.
Glittersunpancake reply
When I went through passport control in Jordan upon arrival I was a little bit frazzled after a full day of connecting flights
Here is how that conversation went, or rather *how I heard it*:
Officer: “First time, Air Jordans?”
Me: “Uhhh, no I just have Nikes on”
Officer: “Mam, first time, Air Jordans?”
Me, now looking at my feet, very confused: “Uhhhh, no I don’t have any Air Jordans but I guess I used to have them maybe sometime uhhh…”
Officer, somewhere between being pissed off and wildly amused: “Mam. Is this your first time, HERE IN JORDAN??”
I was so embarrassed I nearly died from shame, thankfully he let me through. It still pops up as a memory every once in a while, my brain is just not willing to let that one slide..