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Sarah Walt Weaver
Community Member
1 posts
1 points
I'm Sarah! I'm an artist, writer, and traveler who writes about the 3 D’s: Death, Depression, and Diarrhea. In the years following my sister’s death in a plane crash, my husband and I traveled for 2.5 years, visiting 40+ countries on 6 continents. I love shells, berry picking, and fireworks.
Sarah Walt Weaver • submitted a new post 4 years ago
Sarah Walt Weaver • upvoted 18 items 4 years ago
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Sarah Walt Weaver • started following 5 people 4 years ago
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Sarah Walt Weaver • upvoted an item 8 years ago
Sarah Walt Weaver • submitted a new post 4 years ago
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Sarah Walt Weaver • upvoted 19 items 4 years ago
Sarah Walt Weaver • is following 5 people
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