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peace • upvoted 37 items 1 year ago
Our Certified Therapy Cat Who Loves To Go On Adventures Is Guaranteed To Make You Smile (40 Pics)
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I Created Social-Emotional Learning Flashcards That Include 6 Core Emotions And Positive Affirmations
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peace • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
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peace • submitted 3 new posts 1 year ago
peace • submitted 4 new posts 2 years ago
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peace • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
peace • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
sasksasquatch reply
Winter clothing, when you are going to be outside for a while, trust me, it is a life saver.InevitablePiano6848 reply
Pay to not see ads. My quality of life has significantly increased not being exposed to themkirbythesquirrel reply
I knit as a hobby, and I always buy the best materials I can afford. I have a budget for the year, and I try to choose projects that will last a while. It's just no fun to knit with crappy materials, and a hobby is supposed to be fun. I also want to be proud of the finished object.praisedawings247 reply
You can request a fan at a hotel. Makes a huge difference when you’re room temp doesn’t drop below 70 and you’re used to sleeping in the tundra.adept1onreddit reply
Maybe this isn't vast, but it's something I like to do: I keep a wrapped bar of soap in each piece of my luggage. It makes the luggage smell nice when it's in storage, and then I can use it while traveling (I hate liquid soap and have a preference for a certain brand of bar soap).tallestgiraffkin reply
Not upgrades really, but wearing leggings with pockets is so great bc I can put my phone and airpods in them along with boarding pass and/or passport. I don’t have to dig in my bag and I know they’re securely on me. I also bought an airplane blanket that has its own little holder bag that can be used as a pillow - it hooks to my backpack and there’s enough extra space that I stick my snacks, water bottle, whatever else in there that I’ll need at my seat. So I can put all that in prior to boarding and then I can just throw my backpack into the overhead bin and keep the blanket pack thing at my seatXerisca reply
My "small" upgrade was literally teaching myself to pack super small, light, and in a single 20L backpack for any trip, any event or activity I might attend or do, in any location, or any weather. My bag stays permanently packed with these items. The only thing that changes is that I might throw in a swim suit. Everything about this has improved my travel, 100%. For example, I am going to the UK next month. My flight lands at 6:30am. My bag is so small, no airline would ever flag it to be checked. Lost luggage isn't a thing in my world. Because my kit is so small, I can walk out of the airport and spend all day carrying my pack, sightseeing, and not even notice I'm carrying it until 3pm when i can check into my hotel. The pack is so cute, it just looks like i choose to carry a pack instead of a purse. But for items, I can't live without... my document organizer. It's my lifeline. I love it. Another thing I dont leave home without is a big pashmina scarf... there's a million and one uses for it!Queasy-Ad-6126 reply
Packing cubes. Before I bought some I thought they were superfluous, just adding weight and taking up space in my bag. But now I realize they allow me to be much more organized, which makes packing easier. Everything has it's place in the main compartment of my pack. And if I realize I packed something I need on my person, it's so much easier to just open the one cube I need to grab that particular item, and then everything just goes back in in its designated place. Before using them, I ended up having to remove half the contents of my bag to rummage around for that one item, then everything had to get refolded/rerolled to go back into my bag.UhohEatenByAGrue reply
1. Compression packing cubes. More for the organization ability than the compression, to be honest. 2. Airplane foot hammock. The strap goes over your tray table, and the "hammock" cradles your legs or feet, holding them at a better angle than resting them on the floor during long flights. I used it while I was sleeping on a flight out recently, and while I was using my laptop on the flight back and found my legs and knees weren't nearly as sore as usual. peace • 25 followers