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1 posts
23 points
hi my name is Xavier
and i hope you have a good day
some more interesting stuff about me
is that my family is divorced and I have dyslexia
but that is okay
because I have won the biggest lottery
because I'm living
Xavier • upvoted 39 items 3 years ago
Programmer. People see it as an anonymous figure typing a few lines of code and gaining access to top secret files. In reality it’s 10% coding and 90% searching your problems on Stack Overflow.Interesting-Today-I-Learned-Facts
TIL that anatomically dogs have two arms and two legs - not four legs; the front legs (arms) have wrist joints and are connected to the skeleton by muscle and the back legs have hip joints and knee caps.Show All 39 Upvotes
Xavier • commented on a post 3 years ago
Xavier • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Xavier • commented on 7 posts 3 years ago
Xavier • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Programmer. People see it as an anonymous figure typing a few lines of code and gaining access to top secret files. In reality it’s 10% coding and 90% searching your problems on Stack Overflow. Xavier • 49 followers