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The Quokka
Community Member
2 posts
568 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
The Quokka • upvoted 12 items 1 year ago
- Boil your rice like pasta to get wonderfully fluffy rice - Rest your food before eating (meat, casserole, lasagna, pizza, etc) - A $4 meat thermometer is how you test, not cutting and releasing all the juices - Understand the Maillard reaction to get flavor into food esp meat - Under-salt your pasta sauce, over-salt the water when you boil the pasta - Buy only high-quality oil. Not only for taste/freshness, but higher smoke point - Fat has been wrongly maligned, save it and use it - A touch of acidity (lemon juice, dry citric acid, pickle juice, etc) is required in nearly all dishes - A pinch of cane sugar takes the funkiness out of many sauces - Pressure cookers turn the cheapest cuts of meat into succulent, tender morsels - Good food is mostly technique and appropriate seasoning, not expensive ingredientsShow All 12 Upvotes
The Quokka • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
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The Quokka • upvoted 10 items 2 years ago
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The Quokka • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
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The Quokka • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
The Quokka • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
The Quokka • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
The Quokka • commented on 12 posts 2 years ago
"Warning: This Page Will Ruin Your Childhood!": 50 Posts That Hit Millennials Right In The Childhood
The Quokka • upvoted 12 items 1 year ago
- Boil your rice like pasta to get wonderfully fluffy rice - Rest your food before eating (meat, casserole, lasagna, pizza, etc) - A $4 meat thermometer is how you test, not cutting and releasing all the juices - Understand the Maillard reaction to get flavor into food esp meat - Under-salt your pasta sauce, over-salt the water when you boil the pasta - Buy only high-quality oil. Not only for taste/freshness, but higher smoke point - Fat has been wrongly maligned, save it and use it - A touch of acidity (lemon juice, dry citric acid, pickle juice, etc) is required in nearly all dishes - A pinch of cane sugar takes the funkiness out of many sauces - Pressure cookers turn the cheapest cuts of meat into succulent, tender morsels - Good food is mostly technique and appropriate seasoning, not expensive ingredients The Quokka • upvoted 8 items 2 years ago
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The Quokka • 17 followers