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Youll never know who I am
shrimp_42 reply
I am by no means “rich” like a millionaire or anything like that, but I have a decent job that pays well. I have worked minimum wage jobs in the past and have worked myself up through the years to be quite comfortable. I absolutely promise anyone who currently lives pay check to pay check, the richest I have “felt” was when I realised that I haven’t checked the price of groceries in years. Like I understand just how expensive things have gotten over the last 5 years, but I’m luckily at the level now where I go into do my food shopping and just buy what I want, pay the bill and leave. I’m not driving around in a lambo or anything but having the ability to just buy what you want/need without looking at the price is just the best feeling ever, and a million miles from when I was living pay check to pay check. You legit don’t need any more money than that, once you can but your day to day stuff without caring then it brings you such a level of peace to your mind.
I Cleaned My Junk / Adhd / Depression Room (Which Got Worse Since My Divorce During My Masters) And Turned It Into A Playroom For The Kids
After Months Of Letting My Room (Aka The Depression Nest) Get Absolutely Filthy, I Finally Finished Cleaning It Today. May Seem Like A Small Accomplishment But I Feel So Much Better
Between Work And Struggling With Depression, I Finally Found The Motivation To Finish Cleaning My Room From Nye To Nyd
shrimp_42 reply
I am by no means “rich” like a millionaire or anything like that, but I have a decent job that pays well. I have worked minimum wage jobs in the past and have worked myself up through the years to be quite comfortable. I absolutely promise anyone who currently lives pay check to pay check, the richest I have “felt” was when I realised that I haven’t checked the price of groceries in years. Like I understand just how expensive things have gotten over the last 5 years, but I’m luckily at the level now where I go into do my food shopping and just buy what I want, pay the bill and leave. I’m not driving around in a lambo or anything but having the ability to just buy what you want/need without looking at the price is just the best feeling ever, and a million miles from when I was living pay check to pay check. You legit don’t need any more money than that, once you can but your day to day stuff without caring then it brings you such a level of peace to your mind.