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1 posts
-6 points
Love: dogs, cats and learning languages!

Rūta • upvoted 40 items 3 years ago

Never put anyone on a pedestal, they will have no choice but to look down on you.
Don't be so hard on yourself, sometimes life gets complicated, is not your fault, just do your very best in every situation, and let things go as they should
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad. Don’t s**t on someone because they find joy in something you don’t. I’m referring to things like movies, music, art, food, etc.
You are only responsible for yourself . You cannot and should not try to control others even if you think you're being charitable. Similarly don't let other people control your emotions.
There was a very strict "no visible bra strap" rule at my school (even if you were wearing a tank top with thick straps, even if it accidentally fell to the side as bra straps do). Being the smart ass I was, I just took my bra off whenever I got yelled at lmao
When I was 8, I told my gran that I liked jeeps. So every year, for Christmas I got a crappier jeep. The first year was a model. Ok I like models I put it together it was fun. Next year was a remote. Then a matchbox. and so on. When I was 15 she gave me a jeep calendar. I love my gran so I hung the calendar and told her I loved it. On my 16th Christmas, she gives me a key ring that says Jeep. UGH. Then asks me to go out and get some preserves from the barn. In the barn was a brand new 86 jeep! Gran plays the long game.
Growing up I used to hate that my uncle would get all of us kids the same $1 pair of cheap one size fits all gloves. I clearly remember thinking how I'd really rather just have the dollar, and yet he never failed to get them for us. It was always the last gift my cousins and I would open... Thanks uncle Craig. Craig was developmentally disabled, and although he was well into his 30's when we were kids he would come out into the street and play baseball with us, he'd ride bikes across town with us, buy us beer and nudey mags when we were older... And yet every year, these damn gloves even when we were grown adults and his health was fading, and we all moved away. This will be Christmas number 3 without Uncle Craig, and as I look back at it now it makes more sense. He was living in a shack that he was renting for $350 a month there were 15 nieces and nephews... We knew he couldn't afford to get us any toys or anything, but he wanted us to have something more meaningful than a dollar bill, and Christmas was his favorite holiday. RIP Uncle Craig. I wish there was a poorly wrapped pair of gloves under my tree this year.
Ex boyfriend gave me a pack of cigarettes after I had quit for 3 months to "celebrate my progress". Most memorable thing he gave me was clamydia though.
That spanking your children is acceptable, and that they were right no matter what. Discussion? What's that? Now, I never agreed with them, and I frequently didn't know what I did wrong, but I just accepted it as something all parents do. Now, as an adult, I will say with 100% confidence that spanking is always wrong. Got studies to back me up, y'all!
“How can you be both depressed and anxious?!? By their very definition they would cancel each other out anyway.” Those words are burned into my memory. This was my parents’ response to my therapist’s findings when I had just started middle school and was struggling. I never saw that wonderful therapist again. They managed to find one that they could agree with, that I should just get over myself and stop being such a child…which I was. It took me far too long to seek help again.
This is so dumb but just happened last week. I got out of the shower & grabbed a towel & started to dry my hair with it while I stood there cold & dripping wet. I had a flashback to when I was like 10 or something & asked my mom if I could use 2 towels, one to dry/wrap around my hair & the other to dry my body - like all the ladies do on TV. She said no, of course because " something something wasting towels because I said so blah blah blah" . I suddenly realized I'm an adult & this is my bathroom & my towels & I make my own rules. So for the 1st time in my 55 year old life I used TWO towels & it was was wonderful!
My parents always told me that because Canada's social security system is so good that homeless people are only homeless because they are drug addicts or schizophrenic, so you shouldn't give them money. It wasn't until I was an adult that I learn a) how bad the social security system actually is, b) how hard it is to survive even if you are on government assistance and c) that having an addiction or mental health issue is not a reason why someone should be treated as less than human.Show All 40 Upvotes
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Rūta • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago

Rūta • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

Never put anyone on a pedestal, they will have no choice but to look down on you.
Don't be so hard on yourself, sometimes life gets complicated, is not your fault, just do your very best in every situation, and let things go as they should
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad. Don’t s**t on someone because they find joy in something you don’t. I’m referring to things like movies, music, art, food, etc.
You are only responsible for yourself . You cannot and should not try to control others even if you think you're being charitable. Similarly don't let other people control your emotions.
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