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3 posts
449 points
Pennywise • upvoted 40 items 2 years ago
Kenyan Runner Abel Mutai Was Only A Few Meters From The Finish Line, But Got Confused With The Signs And Stopped, Thinking He Had Finished The Race
In 1990, An Improperly Installed Window On British Airways Flight 5390 Fell Off During Midflight Causing Rapid Decompression In The Cockpit
Whitt_tthe_s**tt Reply
My son was 2 and thought every black man was his dad. He was away for the military a while so when we were at Boston Market he called another random stranger “daddy!!” And ran to him and hugged him. Hahaha the guy actually picked him up and said “I’m not you’re dad but hey buddy!” I was mortified but couldn’t stop laughing.Twitter User Puts Emma Thompson Side By Side With Perfume Bottles, And It's Hilariously Accurate (18 Pics)
Twitter User Puts Emma Thompson Side By Side With Perfume Bottles, And It's Hilariously Accurate (18 Pics)
Show All 40 Upvotes
Pennywise • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Pennywise • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
Pennywise • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Pennywise • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
In 1990, An Improperly Installed Window On British Airways Flight 5390 Fell Off During Midflight Causing Rapid Decompression In The Cockpit
Kenyan Runner Abel Mutai Was Only A Few Meters From The Finish Line, But Got Confused With The Signs And Stopped, Thinking He Had Finished The Race
Whitt_tthe_s**tt Reply
My son was 2 and thought every black man was his dad. He was away for the military a while so when we were at Boston Market he called another random stranger “daddy!!” And ran to him and hugged him. Hahaha the guy actually picked him up and said “I’m not you’re dad but hey buddy!” I was mortified but couldn’t stop laughing.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Pennywise • 49 followers