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Roshan Dash
Community Member
1 posts
210 points
Passionate about science. Enjoy animation, illustrating and painting to it's fullest. In love with my family, and dedicated to spreading light. It's contagious! 😊
Roshan Dash • upvoted 34 items 3 years ago
Curiosities, Digital Art
23 One-Picture Horror Stories That We Do Not Recommend Reading Alone (New Pics)
Not speak now part, but well, you'll see. Friend of mine was getting married in the park under the trees because both of them were nature people and groom had a dog that went everywhere with him that wasn't allowed in any church because dog despite being well trained and quiet. There were some rows of chairs with lots of people filling them including Groom's mother who was sitting with his dog. Bride and Groom were at the front with the officiant. Officiant begins. Officiant comes to the part where he says, "Do you take …" Groom's dog, Shadow, began to howl a loud, long, mournful howl. Everyone laughed. Officiant started the question again. Loud, long, mournful howl again. Everyone laughed. Groom told Shadow to come to the front. Shadow ran up, stood directly in between the bride and groom and the officiant started again. Not a peep from Shadow. Her vows. His vows. Officiant looked at Shadow and asked, "Shadow do you take bride and groom to be your lawfully wedded parents?" Shadow barked one single bark. Officiant concluded the ceremony, everyone cheered and clapped, and Shadow barked three times, the only times that he made any sounds. Not kidding. Beautiful dog too. Comics
Do Men Expect Women To Do Everything? I Illustrated My Conversation With My Wife About Cleaning And Chores
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Roshan Dash • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
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Roshan Dash • submitted a new post 4 years ago
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Roshan Dash • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Woman Recreates Outfits To Show The Double Standards Of Fashion Trends, But Not Everyone's Convinced
40 Design Solutions That Don't Solve Problems, Only Create Them, As Shared By This Instagram Account
Roshan Dash • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Not speak now part, but well, you'll see. Friend of mine was getting married in the park under the trees because both of them were nature people and groom had a dog that went everywhere with him that wasn't allowed in any church because dog despite being well trained and quiet. There were some rows of chairs with lots of people filling them including Groom's mother who was sitting with his dog. Bride and Groom were at the front with the officiant. Officiant begins. Officiant comes to the part where he says, "Do you take …" Groom's dog, Shadow, began to howl a loud, long, mournful howl. Everyone laughed. Officiant started the question again. Loud, long, mournful howl again. Everyone laughed. Groom told Shadow to come to the front. Shadow ran up, stood directly in between the bride and groom and the officiant started again. Not a peep from Shadow. Her vows. His vows. Officiant looked at Shadow and asked, "Shadow do you take bride and groom to be your lawfully wedded parents?" Shadow barked one single bark. Officiant concluded the ceremony, everyone cheered and clapped, and Shadow barked three times, the only times that he made any sounds. Not kidding. Beautiful dog too. Curiosities, Digital Art
23 One-Picture Horror Stories That We Do Not Recommend Reading Alone (New Pics)
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