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Sara Rosen
Community Member
1 posts
823 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Sara Rosen • upvoted 4 items 2 days ago
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Sara Rosen • upvoted an item 8 months ago
Sara Rosen • upvoted 8 items 9 months ago
OwlEastSage reply
The whole homesteading trad wife thing thats super trendy is so weird. "i am subservient to my husband, i hate feminism, i only wear cotton dresses, i dont have opinions that my husband doesnt share, i use beef fat as moisturizer, heres my $4000 stove that looks like its from colonial america, buy my online sourdough recipe course and learn how to be a traditional wife" and it always follows this guilt-shamy approach to women who dont want to or cant do the same. its mostly cringey because women are acting like this is how they've been all their lives but its very obviously just following a trend. women who've actually lived like this arent posting about it all over the internet i cook for my boyfriend, ill do his laundry, i want children, im a catholic, i bake bread, its not abnormal for women to want to follow this lifestyle of being traditional but the weird anti-feminism super privileged aesthetic thats following it is just so cringe. feminism is the reason that i have the choice to do or not do these things, feminism is the reason you can post about it on the internet. you can be a "traditional" wife but dont degrade your entire sex in the process.Bulky-Rush-1392 reply
"Unalive" or "unaliving," it's admittedly a funny way of referring to death, but people are using it in incredibly serious contexts. It comes off as insensitive.Icy_Elf_of_frost reply
Throughout history fad medical issues have been a thing. Some king of England had an a**l fistula and all the lords and ladies suddenly had one. Today’s modern version of this is the spectrum and neurodivergence. Don’t like how something feels yucky on your hands, on the spectrum! Do you get confused or distracted sometimes on the spectrum! Do you not always enjoy everyone’s company all the time? It’s neurodivergence for SURE!!! Now everybody can pretend to be special and self diagnose, or wise and tell everyone else what condition they have. Leaving the actual people with neurodivergence still ignored in a corner with out proper support because Billy has a fad case of the attentions.BoringNameBoringLife reply
People normalizing the word trauma and using it for stupid things. Someone seriously told me they were traumatized because their waiter brought them the wrong food. I get that trauma is *very* subjective, but come on now. And they were dead serious. They really thought that's what trauma is.Show All 8 Upvotes
Sara Rosen • upvoted 7 items 10 months ago
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Sara Rosen • upvoted 16 items 1 year ago
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Sara Rosen • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
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Sara Rosen • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Sara Rosen • submitted 12 list additions 2 years ago
Sara Rosen • commented on 6 posts 1 year ago
Sara Rosen • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
Sara Rosen • commented on 9 posts 3 years ago
People Are Cracking Up At These 30 Things About Halloween That Confuse The Hell Out Of Non-Americans
People Are Cracking Up At These 30 Things About Halloween That Confuse The Hell Out Of Non-Americans
People Are Cracking Up At These 30 Things About Halloween That Confuse The Hell Out Of Non-Americans
People Are Cracking Up At These 30 Things About Halloween That Confuse The Hell Out Of Non-Americans
People Are Cracking Up At These 30 Things About Halloween That Confuse The Hell Out Of Non-Americans
Sara Rosen • upvoted 4 items 2 days ago
Sara Rosen • upvoted an item 8 months ago
Sara Rosen • upvoted 8 items 9 months ago
Bulky-Rush-1392 reply
"Unalive" or "unaliving," it's admittedly a funny way of referring to death, but people are using it in incredibly serious contexts. It comes off as insensitive.Icy_Elf_of_frost reply
Throughout history fad medical issues have been a thing. Some king of England had an a**l fistula and all the lords and ladies suddenly had one. Today’s modern version of this is the spectrum and neurodivergence. Don’t like how something feels yucky on your hands, on the spectrum! Do you get confused or distracted sometimes on the spectrum! Do you not always enjoy everyone’s company all the time? It’s neurodivergence for SURE!!! Now everybody can pretend to be special and self diagnose, or wise and tell everyone else what condition they have. Leaving the actual people with neurodivergence still ignored in a corner with out proper support because Billy has a fad case of the attentions.OwlEastSage reply
The whole homesteading trad wife thing thats super trendy is so weird. "i am subservient to my husband, i hate feminism, i only wear cotton dresses, i dont have opinions that my husband doesnt share, i use beef fat as moisturizer, heres my $4000 stove that looks like its from colonial america, buy my online sourdough recipe course and learn how to be a traditional wife" and it always follows this guilt-shamy approach to women who dont want to or cant do the same. its mostly cringey because women are acting like this is how they've been all their lives but its very obviously just following a trend. women who've actually lived like this arent posting about it all over the internet i cook for my boyfriend, ill do his laundry, i want children, im a catholic, i bake bread, its not abnormal for women to want to follow this lifestyle of being traditional but the weird anti-feminism super privileged aesthetic thats following it is just so cringe. feminism is the reason that i have the choice to do or not do these things, feminism is the reason you can post about it on the internet. you can be a "traditional" wife but dont degrade your entire sex in the process.BoringNameBoringLife reply
People normalizing the word trauma and using it for stupid things. Someone seriously told me they were traumatized because their waiter brought them the wrong food. I get that trauma is *very* subjective, but come on now. And they were dead serious. They really thought that's what trauma is.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Sara Rosen • 59 followers