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Picrew by Tabbiverse

CatBot300 • upvoted 25 items 1 year ago

randothemagician reply
My wife came down with pink-eye and strep throat. We kept a bucket on the stage just in case she vomited. It was still a nice wedding, but my wife doesn't remember much of it. She felt much better the next day, and by the time we reached our honeymoon destination she was right as rain. The wedding kind of sucked, but the marriage has been awesome - 10 years and 6 kids and she is still the crown jewel of my universe :)
Marx0r reply
The Unabomber was the target of what is still the most expensive criminal investigation of all time, and they still had absolutely *nothing* on him. They were looking in the wrong part of the country, for a totally different profile of person, and the few leads they were actually working on were red herrings. He got his manifesto published, and used the phrase "eat your cake and still have it" rather than the more commonly-known version. His brother David just so happened to read that manifesto and remember how Ted used that phrase. David decides, on a lark, to go through some of the stuff Ted had left at their mom's house and finds an early draft of the manifesto. David, after much soul-searching, decides to report this to the FBI and they almost throw the lead out before deciding to actually investigate it. Anything at all in that chain doesn't happen, Ted uses a different phrase, David doesn't read the manifesto or doesn't bother investigating Ted's old stuff, or Ted doesn't leave the draft in Mom's house, or David doesn't tell the FBI, or the FBI toss the lead entirely, and The Unabomber probably stays active to this day.
randothemagician reply
My wife came down with pink-eye and strep throat. We kept a bucket on the stage just in case she vomited. It was still a nice wedding, but my wife doesn't remember much of it. She felt much better the next day, and by the time we reached our honeymoon destination she was right as rain. The wedding kind of sucked, but the marriage has been awesome - 10 years and 6 kids and she is still the crown jewel of my universe :)
Marx0r reply
The Unabomber was the target of what is still the most expensive criminal investigation of all time, and they still had absolutely *nothing* on him. They were looking in the wrong part of the country, for a totally different profile of person, and the few leads they were actually working on were red herrings. He got his manifesto published, and used the phrase "eat your cake and still have it" rather than the more commonly-known version. His brother David just so happened to read that manifesto and remember how Ted used that phrase. David decides, on a lark, to go through some of the stuff Ted had left at their mom's house and finds an early draft of the manifesto. David, after much soul-searching, decides to report this to the FBI and they almost throw the lead out before deciding to actually investigate it. Anything at all in that chain doesn't happen, Ted uses a different phrase, David doesn't read the manifesto or doesn't bother investigating Ted's old stuff, or Ted doesn't leave the draft in Mom's house, or David doesn't tell the FBI, or the FBI toss the lead entirely, and The Unabomber probably stays active to this day.
"The Joker" Isn't Technically A Person At All, But A Toxin
This theory isn't about the movie Joker (2019), but more about the Joker as a character in GENERAL across all media: Anyway, in the Batman: Arkham City video game, the Joker's plan is to donate his toxic blood to hospitals all across Gotham, which will infect people with his 'disease.' In the game Batman: Arkham Knight, we see at least three different people who have been infected with the Joker's blood. Now, it's been a while since I've last seen gameplay for Arkham Knight, but I believe the infected people start to behave EXACTLY like the Joker and take on his psychotic mannerisms while wearing clown-like face paint. Also, in an old Batman comic, Batman sits upon the 'mobius chair' — a chair that gives you the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. He asks the chair what the Joker's true identity is, and it's revealed that there have actually been three different 'Jokers.' A bit odd that three different people look and act exactly like the Joker to the point that Batman — the world's greatest detective — couldn't tell, wouldn't you agree? So my theory is that 'the Joker' isn't a person at all, but rather...a poison. A toxin. What we know as 'the Joker' is just a side effect that happens when you get exposed to that specific toxin.
HooksAU reply
I won a toy as a prize in some sort of class raffle, the teacher confiscated it off me forever for playing with it at lunch time in the playground. I was in grade 3.
sawace reply
We called off our wedding because my fiance got cancer. We spent what was supposed to be our wedding day in the hospital. However! He is cancer free now, so we've decided to MAYBE start thinking about getting married again in a year. We've both decided we're not planning the damn thing though. Eff that. Elopement all the way betches!
Parenting, Relationships
Person Makes Their Sister Cry By Quizzing Her After She Claimed She Would Homeschool Her Kid

Physical-Song-3898 reply
I was talking with a man from Pakistan and he asked me what my core beliefs were. I said my core beliefs were rooted in science and he responded with ‘OH SCIENCE, so all you care about is plastic surgery boob jobs.’ He took the entire field of science and labeled it as ‘boob jobs’.Show All 25 Upvotes

CatBot300 • commented on 9 posts 1 year ago
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CatBot300 • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago

CatBot300 • started following 2 people 1 year ago

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CatBot300 • submitted 5 list additions 1 year ago

CatBot300 • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago

CatBot300 • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

randothemagician reply
My wife came down with pink-eye and strep throat. We kept a bucket on the stage just in case she vomited. It was still a nice wedding, but my wife doesn't remember much of it. She felt much better the next day, and by the time we reached our honeymoon destination she was right as rain. The wedding kind of sucked, but the marriage has been awesome - 10 years and 6 kids and she is still the crown jewel of my universe :)
Marx0r reply
The Unabomber was the target of what is still the most expensive criminal investigation of all time, and they still had absolutely *nothing* on him. They were looking in the wrong part of the country, for a totally different profile of person, and the few leads they were actually working on were red herrings. He got his manifesto published, and used the phrase "eat your cake and still have it" rather than the more commonly-known version. His brother David just so happened to read that manifesto and remember how Ted used that phrase. David decides, on a lark, to go through some of the stuff Ted had left at their mom's house and finds an early draft of the manifesto. David, after much soul-searching, decides to report this to the FBI and they almost throw the lead out before deciding to actually investigate it. Anything at all in that chain doesn't happen, Ted uses a different phrase, David doesn't read the manifesto or doesn't bother investigating Ted's old stuff, or Ted doesn't leave the draft in Mom's house, or David doesn't tell the FBI, or the FBI toss the lead entirely, and The Unabomber probably stays active to this day.
"The Joker" Isn't Technically A Person At All, But A Toxin
This theory isn't about the movie Joker (2019), but more about the Joker as a character in GENERAL across all media: Anyway, in the Batman: Arkham City video game, the Joker's plan is to donate his toxic blood to hospitals all across Gotham, which will infect people with his 'disease.' In the game Batman: Arkham Knight, we see at least three different people who have been infected with the Joker's blood. Now, it's been a while since I've last seen gameplay for Arkham Knight, but I believe the infected people start to behave EXACTLY like the Joker and take on his psychotic mannerisms while wearing clown-like face paint. Also, in an old Batman comic, Batman sits upon the 'mobius chair' — a chair that gives you the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. He asks the chair what the Joker's true identity is, and it's revealed that there have actually been three different 'Jokers.' A bit odd that three different people look and act exactly like the Joker to the point that Batman — the world's greatest detective — couldn't tell, wouldn't you agree? So my theory is that 'the Joker' isn't a person at all, but rather...a poison. A toxin. What we know as 'the Joker' is just a side effect that happens when you get exposed to that specific toxin.
CatBot300 • is following 10 people

CatBot300 • 1 follower