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2 posts
544 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Floof • upvoted 39 items 2 years ago
The Beauty Of Philippines' Capital, Manila Captured In 19 Hyperrealistic Watercolor Paintings That I Made
The Beauty Of Philippines' Capital, Manila Captured In 19 Hyperrealistic Watercolor Paintings That I Made
warrantyvoiderer reply
That it's in YOUR best interest to keep your rate of pay a secret, when in fact it's exactly the opposite. If it's taboo to talk about how two employees doing exactly the same job can be paid wildly different wages.IamHOTUrNot reply
Stop dating idiot guys when you have kids. Stop putting your love lives before your kids. Put your kids first.Morningssucks reply
Just because you had a hard time climbing up the corporate ladder or getting into a good position, you do not need to make other women suffer the same. I cannot emphasize it enough: hold the door open for the next one. Coach young female leaders. Help each other out DIY, Home & Design
50 Times Someone Ruined An Item And People In This Online Group Restored It To Its "Original Glory"
Show All 39 Upvotes
Floof • commented on a post 2 years ago
Floof • submitted a new post 8 years ago
Floof • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
Floof • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
30 Things Which Are In Fact "100% A Scam" Yet Most People Don’t Realize It, As Shared In This Thread
Boyfriend Flips Out After Girlfriend Makes Him Dinner From "Scraps", She Asks If She's The Jerk Here
Floof • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
warrantyvoiderer reply
That it's in YOUR best interest to keep your rate of pay a secret, when in fact it's exactly the opposite. If it's taboo to talk about how two employees doing exactly the same job can be paid wildly different wages.IamHOTUrNot reply
Stop dating idiot guys when you have kids. Stop putting your love lives before your kids. Put your kids first.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Floof • 59 followers