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Community Member
I'm an English teacher who likes to draw.
I'm also about to become a father for the first time. In about seven weeks. I'm excited and terrified.
SupEnthusiastic reply
I wear a server apron everyday. I know some people are too stylish for a hack like that but I got some really cute ones on Etsy. When I fly it’s like having an extra carryon and in day to day life it is so easy I am not trying to dig through a diaper bag. I keep my phone, a pen/sharpie, a cloth, snacks, a small toy.
I got the idea from seeing Japanese mothers in smocks.
SupEnthusiastic reply
I wear a server apron everyday. I know some people are too stylish for a hack like that but I got some really cute ones on Etsy. When I fly it’s like having an extra carryon and in day to day life it is so easy I am not trying to dig through a diaper bag. I keep my phone, a pen/sharpie, a cloth, snacks, a small toy.
I got the idea from seeing Japanese mothers in smocks.