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Rhodri Terrell
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
r0ckerdud3 reply
Androids. People with iphones think they have some diamond when most of the time they have a phone android has already had for years.
Fine_Faithlessness67 reply
Men who are in touch with their feelings and they express them. Men who are sensitive are constantly put down due to toxic masculinity. Both men and women s**t on guys who exteriorize their emotions uninhibitedly in a gentle kindhearted manner and deem them unmanly, describe them as too feminine, plus many other more grotesque words and phrases. And crying is viewed as a sign of weakness.
Women have emotions. Men do too. It’s indisputable that all humans have emotions. High emotional availability is something that should absolutely not be seen as exclusive to any specific gender, age or race. It’s a universal human condition. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and NO ONE should be belittled or bullied for having or displaying completely valid and sincere emotions nor for possessing the ability to communicate them.
djb2589 reply
Being kind. Kind people should be looked up to as a good example, not looked down on as "weak".