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Hi! I like to tell my friends about weird or disturbing facts, and this is a perfect site for this!
Ren • commented on 7 posts 1 year ago
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Ren • upvoted 33 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Should Guys Do In Public To Help Girls Feel Safer?
Respect boundaries. If she says no, she means no. If you sit by her, and she scoots away, get up and sit somewhere else. If she keeps nodding and saying "uh huh," she's done talking to you. If she's not responding to flirting, leave her the scud alone. If we want something, need protection, or are trying to flirt, we will let you know.Hey Pandas, What Should Guys Do In Public To Help Girls Feel Safer?
Respect boundaries. If she says no, she means no. If you sit by her, and she scoots away, get up and sit somewhere else. If she keeps nodding and saying "uh huh," she's done talking to you. If she's not responding to flirting, leave her the scud alone. If we want something, need protection, or are trying to flirt, we will let you know.Hey Pandas, What Should Guys Do In Public To Help Girls Feel Safer?
ummmmmm.... i cant think of one. oh wait MAYBE STOP HARASSING US AND STOP FOLLOWING US AROUND EVERYWHERE WE GOHey Pandas, What Should Guys Do In Public To Help Girls Feel Safer?
When walking on the sidewalks with a lady (SO, coworker, friend, etc) I always make sure she in on the inside and away from the street. Even though I'm paying attention to our conversation, my eyes and alertness are always "tuned in" to our surroundings.Hey Pandas, What Should Guys Do In Public To Help Girls Feel Safer?
sit in between creepy guys and them so they are at a distance.Hey Pandas, What Should Guys Do In Public To Help Girls Feel Safer?
these work for anybody but: - don't stare. it makes people scared. idk y but everyone always stares at me - never, ever, touch anyone before knowing them well enough. applies to dogs as well as humans. - try not to comment on someones physical appearance/body - know how to have a conversation. its valuable when meeting anyone anywhere. - never be violent/angry. that should be given, as it puts anyone in an uncomfortable position if they're just meeting you. also it jus be so stressful - smile, not like a scary clown, just be pleasant - be responsible - look nice, be nice, smell nice, self care stuff - be honest... - cultivate manners. u don't have to be proper but use a napkin at least - don't be a flirt jus for fun or toy with anyone, its just mean >:/ - and finally know when a girl says no, it means no, and u need to let it go, need to let it go, nah to the ah to the no no noShow All 33 Upvotes
Ren • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Ren • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Ren • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Ren • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
DavosLostFingers reply
How to spot the signs of a stroke in yourself or someone else. YOU NEED TO THINK AND ACT F.A.S.T Face: Can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped? Arms: Can the person raise both arms? Speech: Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say? Time: Time to call the emergency services to get the person the medical attention they needawhq reply
If you live in an area of extreme temps, keep stuff in your car in case you break down and can't get help immediately. For any temp - water and high density food such as protein bars. For cold - a sleeping bag or blanket For heat - more water and something to make shade.Raioc2436 reply
Electricity makes your muscles contract, so when people are being electrocuted they will grab to the metal they are holding really strongly. If you try touching them you might grab on to them in the same way and die alongside. Push or pull them with non conductive things like wood or cloth. Kick them if needed. Take your pants off and wrap it on their neck to pull them. Do whatever you have to but don’t touch them. Ren • is following 4 people